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Why am I feeling sad again?


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It's been 5 weeks since everything ended. It was an on and off "relationship" for a year and a half. I'm 20 and he is 23. This time it has to be over for good. We got to the point of physical fighting during an argument, and of course thats never good (and we were both drunk, even worse). The whole situation with him was unhealthy for me, yet i continued it because of my love for him and the hope he kept giving me that he would eventually commit to me.


I cried a lot the first two weeks. Then i got angry (he hurt me pretty badly during the physical fight, broke my nose.). We didnt speak for about 4 weeks until he texted me, asking to talk. I replied a day later and he didnt respond. He then called me and texted me a week later, but i ignored it. It's been over a week since then and I havent heard anything from him.


The past few days ive been waking up crying again, feeling so hopeless and down like i did the first two weeks. Is it always going to be like this? I mean, i've had days where i've felt great, so i thought the worst of it was over. Now i feel extremely down. I just dont know how much more I can take, I've had my heart broken by him several times since i met him, so i should be used to it. I just cant stop thinking about him/missing him no matter where I go or what I'm doing..

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Just another dip in the roller coaster. The best way to make it stop is to get off, not so easy I know. Once you fully realize you are over him and his actions(never tolerate a physical person, no "man" would ever touch a woman! :mad: Lucky hes not in my town) things will be great.

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please please stay away from him. if he did this once to you it will not be the last time. and it more than likely would and could get worse. even if you could fix what is wrong between you two, you are worth so much more than having someone physically hurt you. men that are this way are not even men imho.


i know you are hurting emotionally at this point. don't let him be a part of your life ever again. you want to be with someone that will show you how much you mean to them. this is not him.


i agree with bobby. he is lucky he is not anywhere that i could find him. it would be very bad for him. stay strong.

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I was in a relationship for 2 years, we lived together for one of those. Then stayed friends for another year. I went NC 4 weeks ago. The first week was tough, 2nd week much easier, 3rd week went from hard to easy and back again. I'm sure I will have bad days and good days in the future.


What has made it much easier on me is to accept two things: 1 is that I love her. 2 is that she will not change. When I start feeling sad and depressed, I do my best to think about the bad things of the relationship. Even if she was to love me back, we would not work in the long wrong because we are too different. This was the whole point of me breaking up with her.


Do your best to stay NC with him. If the relationship was already becoming physical, then it will get worse. The longer you stay away from him, the easier it will become. Post here if you ever need help in dealing with feelings, this place has helped my immensely.

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