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How do i read body language & what should I say

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there is dis chick see.She works at a place i frequent quite often.The other day I was in thre & she saw me walk in & said hi (cause they greet ppl there).

Then after words she kinda turned away slowly to look at nuthin & played with her tongue ring( me likee da perciengs)


so I went about my beezwax & got what i was lookin for & had to have one of the employees get the keys to get it out for me.She looked as if she was intrested in doin it. then she went off to do somethin & as soon as I went to get checked out she made her way up to the register but was tolate for her coworker was doin da tendin.So she walked behind him & looked like she was doin somefin & then she attempted to go to the other side but before she got a chance I made mention to her coworker somefin about dem finally hiring ppl with piercings.& she stopped mid counter & we had a very brief conversation with both her & I smiling..Dunno if its just she was kew like dat or she was pitchin me signals which i failed to connect.


If anyone can analize dis sitcheeaysion feel free to tell me what you think.


& what would be a good way to ask her to go hang out?I was gonna ask her just for sh**s & giggles if she would like to go out & get pierced but I dont wanna make a bad impression.


ALso my testicular fortitude isnt really strong enough to allow me to go up & just say hi or ask her name.


(oh & dont tell me I have bad grammer I jizzust felt like havins a lil fun with the spellinz o words)

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I was lookn at these forums & about 60% atleasts seemd to be about being a shy guy or guys needin gal advice.


The irony is the opposite sex thinks we are the ones who are picky.(j/k)


I swear we all need to learn prgramming skills & play D & D until our clearasil runs out.(J/K)


Women have it to easy.lol


well exept for the multiple choices of guys askin them out the hole pregnancy thing & the pms.Maybe its a fair trade but they leave us good guys for friends(so be-ith my exp) & take all the other guys whom they find physically attractive or unatainable for being their "birthing"partners then cry when he cheats or abuses.Then us nice guys get to play the role of psychologist or aka shoulder to cry on.


Is it really a fair trade?Damn Im yammerin on if you will please ignore this post & answer the first one.

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Originally posted by MrE

I was lookn at these forums & about 60% atleasts seemd to be about being a shy guy or guys needin gal advice.


well exept for the multiple choices of guys askin them out the hole pregnancy thing & the pms.Maybe its a fair trade but they leave us good guys for friends(so be-ith my exp) & take all the other guys whom they find physically attractive or unatainable for being their "birthing"partners then cry when he cheats or abuses.Then us nice guys get to play the role of psychologist or aka shoulder to cry on.


Is it really a fair trade?Damn Im yammerin on if you will please ignore this post & answer the first one.


I couldn't agree with you more. There are a lot of guys who post about what to say and being shy and all. And girls do go for the more attractive "bad boy" kinda guy and then they get hurt. I have a lot of friends that are girls and I hear there stories. When I hear them...I'm thinking to myself "girl if you only give me a chance." HAHA. but nope...they go for the bad boys who cheats or will get them pregant but they don't learn. SIGH

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Gentlemen, to many women...


Men who are either;


1. Considered too nice/sweet,

2. Are underconfident/shy,

3. Physically "unattractive," or

4. Poor, financially...


are of generally low excitement to her. That means that, for her, they are not too great to be around as SO's, and are thus, not considered relationship material.


Sometimes it's better to be a confident ass than an underconfident sweetheart type of dude.


It's not a set-in-stone type of rule, but it's a general trend that many guys encounter. Them's the breaks.





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