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well, i guess this is a positive step...


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it was hard, but it had to be done.


deleted all her pics and other stuff from my computer today. yes, i made cd-r of all the stuff i had, but i put them in the back of the closet. i'm just not one to destroy stuff like that.


but as far as my iphoto is concerned, last valentine's day in catalina never happened. new year's never happened. easter never happened. everything else i had pics and vids of... never happened.


deleted all the texts from my phone, finally deleted her phone number. as far as my digital life is concerned, i never met her. kind of ironic considering we met online.


i miss you babe, but you've got to go. can't live in my head rent-free anymore.

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Well done!!!!! At least you didn't do what I did- I burnt all his stuff and set fire to my hair lol.

Its good not to have constant reminders everywhere especially on phone and pc because we tend to look at them all the time.

Carry on being positive.

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thanks karmaqueen! it's been unexpectedly hard taking these steps to move on, but i can't keep myself trapped by this any longer. sorry you burned your hair, but hopefully you're much better now! thanks for the positive words, i'm sending nothing but smiles and positivity right back at cha and the rest of the LS community!

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awesome, i did the same thing with the photos of my husband.

i put all the pictures in a disc drive along with the letters he wrote me from boot camp and anything else related to him in a box and hid them away so that when my son gets older he can see that we did love each other at one point in life.

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Hours....... took me months, but one of those hard things that have to be worked through. Congrats on one more step to being free of a memory that haunts you now.

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Yay! Well done :) That's a heck of alot more than I ever did.


I still have the Gizmo doll he gave me (we watched The Gremlins at his house when we first dated lol) and it sings and dances, ugh..but it's cute


I'm even still listed in a relationship with my ex and it's been over 2 weeks he dumped me.


I like hearing these moments bc I know, hopefully soon, I will be able to delete his e-mails, texts, etc...

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Funny, I just deleted the last few pictures I had the other day too. I stumbled upon them on my laptop and seeing as I didn't freak out or regress into a fit of unbearable pain (and thank god for that, finally seems I'm getting somewhere!), I just went ahead and deleted them before I could change my mind. Besides this instance, I haven't looked at any in so long, so it'd just be weird to do that now. I can remember what he looks like in general, but it's sort of fuzzy in my brain. Not many 'details' if you know what I mean.


Anyhow, good job! Such a hard step in the beginning, but a necessary one. Sometimes to get over the ex, we have to go back to before we even knew they existed. I believe you did the right thing.

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thanks again everybody for the positive vibes... i never thought that i could be a influence on others here, but if i can provide and strength and motivation for you guys to do the same... well, that's part of why we're all here I suppose.


funny thing is, i still didn't have her facebook page blocked (tho since she defriended me i can't see much of anything anyway), so i went back last night to do that, and she had updated her profile pic. it was clearly a picture of her on halloween (unless she has decided to wear ugly hoop earrings and a ridiculous amount of blue eye shadow on a daily basis) and tho my mind wanted to construct a whole reality around it, i just couldn't. i know anything i could possibly think of would be be wrong anyway, so my brain didn't even bother. what it did lead to however was an interesting dichotomy of thought:


i feel like my self esteem is in the ****ter since she didn't love me enough to try to make things work, and yet, looking at that picture, i felt so much full of awesome, that i knew no matter how much fun she might have been having, it wasn't as much fun as she would have had if i were there with her. weird, huh? so go babe, live your life, have your fun. i know what you're missing out on.

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thanks again everybody for the positive vibes... i never thought that i could be a influence on others here, but if i can provide and strength and motivation for you guys to do the same... well, that's part of why we're all here I suppose.


funny thing is, i still didn't have her facebook page blocked (tho since she defriended me i can't see much of anything anyway), so i went back last night to do that, and she had updated her profile pic. it was clearly a picture of her on halloween (unless she has decided to wear ugly hoop earrings and a ridiculous amount of blue eye shadow on a daily basis) and tho my mind wanted to construct a whole reality around it, i just couldn't. i know anything i could possibly think of would be be wrong anyway, so my brain didn't even bother. what it did lead to however was an interesting dichotomy of thought:


i feel like my self esteem is in the ****ter since she didn't love me enough to try to make things work, and yet, looking at that picture, i felt so much full of awesome, that i knew no matter how much fun she might have been having, it wasn't as much fun as she would have had if i were there with her. weird, huh? so go babe, live your life, have your fun. i know what you're missing out on.


Good job!


She could be using the FB pic on purpose. If she didn't want you to see her profile pic she would have blocked you. Block her. Seeing her pic won't change anything.


I would also destroy the disk, but that's me. To me that symbolizes that she has a place in your heart still and you are still hanging on. To me, if it is over, no point hanging on to memories. Good luck!

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Thanks Final Word...


As much as your idea put a smile on my face briefly, thinking she might be doing just that, I just don't think it's true. She was never a big facebooker, in fact, even though she defriended me and my friends after the breakup, she forgot about the temp receptionist from my job (who's no longer here) who she friended when she worked with me for just one day a few months ago on a project.


She never defriended her I'm sure, cuz she just plain forgot, and doesn't think anything about it. But like I said it was a nice thing to think about. I just gotta imagine she thinks of me at leat in passing every now and then. When New Year's and V-Day come around again, even if she doesn't get in touch (I don't expect her to) I know she'll be thinking about what she's missing.


But then again, if her next bf spends his paycheck on a weekend in catalina with matching couples massages on the beach, then good for her (bitter much!)


And i gotta disagree with you on the pix thing... if it works for you, i'm glad, really, but memories are all we got when these things end. And I wanna be able to look back at those sometime in the future. I might get over her, but she will always have a place in my heart as the (until now) most special woman I've been with. I don't wanna look at it as a competition where the one who thinks the least about the other wins. Heck, there are other gf's in my past who weren't nearly as special, and i've kept their stuff. it's nice rekindling those memories sometimes, even if i could give a crap less about them now.


But again, that's just me, and all due respect to you. I appreciate you'd found something that works for you.

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