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I've finally walked away

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I'd just like to thank all of the posters who took the time to respond to my earlier thread "Why can't I walk away?" and share that I have indeed walked away, for good this time.


I was meant to meet up with him on Monday night, and I didn't. I avoided his emails, his calls, everything all day Monday. I know it's not as good a step as simply telling him where to go, but I didn't want to get into an arguement, nor a discussion whereby he could try and talk me into it. So I chose to ignore him.


He sent an email yesterday, asking for an apology, I ignored that too. Do I think this ignoring him will last? Yep, I've decided any lines he has been spinning me he has been doing it to keep me on side, to keep me hanging on. Even if it did transpire, I wouldn't want an R with him anyway. I wouldn't trust him for sh*t.


In all honesty, I don't even like him that much anymore. I see him for what he is, and I know I've done wrong, I enabled him to cheat when I should have walked the instant I found out about the girlfriend. Some part of it was the excitement, but not from taking what isn't mine to take. It was from just having someone want me, after quite a while of not having that. The more I think about it, the more I think I'd sooner be alone for life than do what this guy is doing.

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Well done to you for the strength of avoiding calls and seeing him for the **** he is!


Keep us posted on your progress, some of us are still struggling. I've never been very good at ignoring, unfortunately for me :o

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Thats the attitude!!! :)


I hope i have that strength if my guy ever gets in touch again - hopefully i will


well done xx

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Good for you!


Now take it one step further and BLOCK his phone number, and set up an email filter where his emails go directly into the trash folder. There is no need to see his number coming up on your phone and no need to read his emails. He will have nothing new for you, except more cheating. So get rid of him, all of him.


Good luck to you! There is so much better coming your way now that you are freeee of the lies and deception and can find someone who cares about YOU instead of only himself. :bunny:

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