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Re: Afraid of the past coming back

Tony T

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Yes, you are meeting the wrong people. Pretty obvious.


These girls have treated you like crap. Part of the problem is you are way too nice and don't stand up for yourself. The other problem is you pick women who take advantage of you and who are insincere. You seem to go for the beauties who are shallow and really don't have the depth to love you the way you need to be loved.


I think you need to date around, don't get so serious with anybody for a while.


As far as being afraid, you will never, ever have a true love situation if you drag fear around with you. Love is for the strong and brave, not for the weak of heart. If you can't handle the fact that love is a risky business and it doesn't always bring eternal peace and happiness...just forget about it. Love requires smarts, love requires intuition, love requires you to think with your brain, not your XXXK, love requires you to give as much as you get, and to PAY ATTENTION.


If you start loving smart and stop loving blind, you will come out on top every time...unless, of course, you prefer being on the bottom.

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