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How to stop being brainwashed..


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Long story short, my ex and i went our seperate ways about 4 months ago due to his emotional abuse. Fast forward two months and we began talking after strict NC. I was hesitant but gave it a shot anyway. Well about a week ago he returned to abusive tendencies and we are no longer speaking. He told me i made him become angry and that if i didnt do this or that he wouldn't have screamed at me. He said we can no longer talk because of me?! I know it is not all me but how can i stop making myself feel guilty? My self esteem has taken a toll so how do you begin to go up from here?

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Sh*tty people say and do sh*tty things. You've already recognized it as abuse, so see it for what it is and don't let it bother you. Adults are responsible for their own actions and should pick up on some impulse control along the way. This is the same kind of guy that would cheat and call it your fault. Hopefully you'd be able to realize what a crock that is, so treat these outbursts the same way. Stop feeling guilty and start feeling relieved that it's over. :-D

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