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It hurts and I'm lost


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My story is not so uncommon or unusual. But... it just... it hurts so much.


We were together for 9 months. We got on so well and had so much in common, we fell in love fairly quickly. I still don't really understand the break-up. I felt like she was drifting away from me and although I tried to do what I could, we ended it mutually.


This was about 8 months ago and I haven't gotten over her.


At first, I tried to go NC. This lasted a couple of months but she was still texting and wanted to stay friends. Eventually I caved and agreed to see her. It was awful but amazing - I still found her beautiful and felt such a deep connection with her but, when I asked her if we could try again, she rejected me. I foolishly hung around, hoping she would change her mind.


Eventually we slept together again last weekend and then at the weekend just past.


She wanted to talk the next day.


It wasn't good...




I've told her I can't see her or talk to her anymore. It's been torture to be around someone who I love so much, who is everything I want from a partner, and to be rejected so many times. I know it hurts her to lose our friendship - I think she is closer to me than anyone else in the world - but I can't do it any more.


But it still hurts so badly, being out of touch. I miss her so much. Nobody understood me the way that she did. Everything reminds me of her. I dream about her every night and wake up depressed and hopeless.


I worry that I'll never meet anyone who is so perfect for me - that any future relationship I have will involve me settling for someone who will never mean that much to me.

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I felt like she was drifting away from me and although I tried to do what I could, we ended it mutually.

Keep studying the art of attraction and dating material. There's tons out there. "Attraction isn't a Choice" is a good start. If you master attraction the girl will be the one feels like you're drifting away from HER. Your emotions will try to compromise you but you just need to stay strong.


Eventually I caved and agreed to see her. It was awful but amazing - I still found her beautiful and felt such a deep connection with her but, when I asked her if we could try again, she rejected me. I foolishly hung around, hoping she would change her mind.

I totally know this feeling. The brain gets addicted to her like a drug and you start scrambling for ideas to win her back like a heroin-addict scrambles to find cash for their next hit. Don't do it. The key is to stop getting too emotionally attached (or at least not showing it as much?). You should be emotionally prepared to terminate a relationship at any time. If not, your inner game needs improvement (lots of material/products on this!).


My suggestion: Get her out of your life completely! Being on an endless pursuit for a woman who's rejecting you is an absolutely TERRIBLE idea. I believe in the theory that you can't be "friends" with someone you really like or love, it will only torture you and even worse waste time and energy that could be invested on a different girl! Do yourself a favor and erase her from your life.

My suggestion: Google the term one-itis. Just READING about it was extremely therapeutic for me. You need to burn it into your brain that "MY WELL BEING WILL NEVER BE DICTATED BY ANOTHER WOMAN". Makes sense right? Understand the feelings you're experiencing are just chemicals in your brain.


My suggestion: MEET MORE WOMEN - Very important. The more scarce women are in your life, the more emotionally attached you're going to get and the higher chance you're going to blow it. I learned this first hand the hard way and I'm still recovering.


Eventually we slept together again last weekend and then at the weekend just past.

Wow she let you hit it again? I'd be grateful!


I've told her I can't see her or talk to her anymore. It's been torture to be around someone who I love so much, who is everything I want from a partner, and to be rejected so many times. I know it hurts her to lose our friendship - I think she is closer to me than anyone else in the world - but I can't do it any more.

You got it. It's the only way to move forward.


I worry that I'll never meet anyone who is so perfect for me - that any future relationship I have will involve me settling for someone who will never mean that much to me.

I'm in the same position right now and it sucks. You have to just keep reminding yourself there are other/better women out there and you just haven't met them yet. I have to do it myself all the time and I know, it's very difficult.


Wish you the best man!

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i have this same exact feeling for my Ex who im still married to and its hard for me cause i cant get rid of him, hes my sons father so ill be seeing him for the next 15 years -__-

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