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Saw X with another


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It has been almost 6 months since our relationship ended

we were together for a year, broke up for 6months, together again(she cam crawling back{her words} to my pleasent surprise) and then together again for a year..


I really wanted to work it out- I would do anything to make it work because we were so close, very compatible and happy most of the time, not PERFECT but... life isnt perfect, isnt a disney movie. Sometimes like anything success takes dedication, work, patience... am i wrong?




I was feeling like a million dollars

well, maybe 100 000


I was feeling great! happy,energetic,optimistic.


Then I randomly saw her walking with another man, holding hands


and I fealt sick to my stomach, wanted to rewind and men in black memory wipe myself


Anyone have similar stories to share?

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Hey honestman


Yeah happened to me back in college. Was dating this girl in the lower year. We went steady for about 4 months, and it was great. We spent lots of time together, went places, were really happy, etc. Things changed when my buddies been telling me they saw her with another guy watching a movie. I shrugged it off, didn't let it bother me, but didn't confront her about (guys watch movies with girls all the time, so I didn't bother confronting her about it).


Then, my buddies saw her with another guy at a coffee shop getting all giggly and slapping his hand (flirtatiously) and **** like that. A few days after, a buddy of mine called and said he was watching them at the same coffee shop, this time the guy had her arm around her.


Upon hearing that, I tried calling her, but she kept cancelling my calls. Texted her, and she said that she can't answer her phone because she was in church with her mom.


So yeah, it did hurt a lot, and I looked like a little bitch with teary eyes sitting with my buddies at the local bar. Of course, my buddies started cracking jokes, making fun of me (which actually made me feel better), but I really was depressed, even a few weeks after I broke up with her.





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Never get jealous when you see your ex with someone else. Because our parents taught us to give our used toys to the less fortunate.

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