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That great feeling when you get over that hump.


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I just went through the worst hell all day missing my ex. I wanted to return her call soooo bad. I stuck it through though. I kept telling myself that if I called her I'd be upset and back to square one. I called a friend, kept myself busy... now I feel great.


Stick it through everyone. We all have bad days.

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Very glad you posted this, Neghitz. Your signature is right, you know, "True genius is patience." I no longer struggle with being tempted to contact 'him' (thank my lucky stars for that), but I can still clearly remember when I did and... yeah, it wasn't the greatest feeling. I had to keep telling myself over and over that I'd only hurt myself more if I contacted him, that I was just fooling myself.


Took me a while to get it through my head, but I did. Sometimes it's just a matter of being patient and riding out the temptation..

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If it helps at all I feel the exact same way, my ex tried contacting me and as hard as it was I didn't respond. every once in a while I feel the small urge to get in contact, I lie its not a small urge its a huge urge but I remind myself that the other 95% of the time Im happier that Im not in contact with her and moving on. Its not worth risking it in the long run. All that time I feel better about myself will turn to crap if I let my feelings once every few weeks screw it up for me.


We all have our bad days as you said,I just dont believe its worth ruining our good days to try fix the few bad days we have.

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Getting over my ex was a gradual process, it took time. We were together for 6 months and it's been six months. I don't know exactly when I turned the corner, I was still a mess after 4 months, and somewhere between then and now I've turned a corner. I've been pretty good for the last month. I still think about him, but we've been able to have friendly meetings and conversations without me falling apart.


You never think you'll get there- but you do.

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