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Looking to Move On

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Hey guys,


This is my first time posting in here and it's now out of complete desperation that I'm doing so.

My situation is this, I don't have a lot of friends I can confide this too nor do I feel comfortable doing so either.

I've met this girl through online gaming and we've became pretty good friends in the past few months, about a month or two ago I started developing feelings towards her and hung out with her as much as I could online.

We live pretty far apart so it's not possible for us to meet frequently but my problem is she is moving to another country very soon and I know she has no interest in a romantic relationship with me.

I know I'm only hurting myself by spending more time with her but I honestly can't stop myself.

All I really want right now is to somehow move on but I don't know how and I'm dying inside, I literally wait beside my computer as sad as that sounds just for her to come online and for us to talk or play games.


I know my above post sounds pathetic but any advice at all is greatly appreciated.

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Step away from the computer. Seriously. Go outside and do things. Meet other people. Get involved in the real world. Have a life.


She is only so important to you because you aren't doing anything else except literally waiting for her. You know that is futile, so TRY SOMETHING ELSE. Like, getting off the computer and living your life. You will feel much better when you do, and she will fade into just a silly memory.

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Norajane is right. Reality is reality. It bites sometimes, but there it is. The reality here is that there is no future; she is moving far far away and has no interest.


Although it is hard count yourself lucky that it is easy logistically for you to never interact with her again once you choose to do so.

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