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Coping journal for the broken hearted


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Break Up Day: 14

NC Day : 10


Hey guys didnt think I would do this but I am hoping it is therapuetic. If you'd like to see the back story here you go: http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t306193/



Anyway right now I feel like I am in an emotional purgatory. I am by no means happy, but by no means am I emotionally crushed. This is a long way from where I was just a week ago where it felt like the tin man in the Wizard of Oz no heart, only it hurt much worse since it was ripped out. I have put a lot of focus into my spiritual self realizing that only GOD is capable of loving us unconditionally (no offense to non-believers). However it is human nature to expect that from our loved ones in a relationship. In essence today I have been thinking that in order to built up sometimes you have to be broken down and the worst break down to be built from is a broken heart. I am sure I will have some negative things to say at some point, essentially the stages of grief..aka the rollercoaster of LOVE's bull****.. Happy Friday folks.. Im hitting a bar to socialize .

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Break Up Day: 17

NC Day : 1


Hey guys didnt think I would do this but I am hoping it is therapuetic. If you'd like to see the back story here you go: [COLOR=#990000]http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t306193/[/COLOR]


So the weekend was rough. I thought I would be cool, but she was on my mind much more than I anticipated. Probably my fault since I was tired and was just being lazy sitting around the house. Anywah I managed to make it to Sunday and decided it best to go to church. Boy was that a good call, I got to cry get inspiration and just overall have a good time. Now mind you this has been now on Sunday 14 days since I heard from her.. what a surprise I receive. Sunday afternoon I receive a text from her saying how are you? Of course my heart jumps when I see it, and I immediately want to reply but rather I take a step back. I let three hours pass and respond with a simple Im good, U. She replies; chilling. I then say thanks for the text. She replied that she texted me hours ago. I said; my bad, it is good hearing from you. She says, U too and I ended the conversation. I dont feel bad, in the sense that at least she has been or thought about me. I guess now we can only see where it goes. Back to NC for me. What do you guys think?

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