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Why is my ex boyfriend acting like this?

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My ex boyfriend and I had really great chemistry and got along really well. Even one of our mutual friends said she thought things were going great with him and I at the start.


He ends up ending it with me because he had little time for me because of work and study. At times he would cancel on me as well and I was getting a little frustrated because I was not seeing him as much as I would like. We had a talk about it and I tried to talk him around seeing me at least one day a week and he still could not promise me that. I did not think I was asking for to much and did not have to see him everyday. I had my own friends and life as well. I could have lived with that. Still. He was pretty skeptical because I did sound a little bit upset in some of my texts I sent him when he cancelled. Wish I had not initiated texts as much. Maybe that might have made a difference and keep thinking if I had just backed off things might have been different.


I was then just willing to go with the flow again and then he tells me he is not ready for something serious either. He had gotten out of a serious 'sh*tty relationship' he called it last year and was not in the right frame of mind to start something new.


He said he still would like to remain friends though. He admitted to still liking me and gave me a compliment on my new hair cut and even went on about catching up again.


It has now been a month and a half since we broke up. I have not heard from him at all. I did no contact but did cave a few times and sent like 3 texts over that period of time. Every couple of weeks.


The last one was very short and was only one sentence. This was after I had deleted him off Facebook. I replied back to it and got no response. Got really annoyed by the fact he did not seem to want anything to do with me and ended up deleting his number. Realising he reacted this way with the last two as well. But when I wished him Happy Birthday on the one before hand. He did tell me to have fun in Queensland. Remembering I was going away that weekend. He was less friendlier in the last one and that kind of hurt.


Backing off now though. Hence deleting the numbers and stuff. Just do not understand why he is being so cold to me when he was the one that dumped me and wanted to be friends in the first place.

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He's being cold because he's hoping you'll take the hint and stop contacting him. And he didn't mean it when he said he wanted to be friends. Guys never want to be "just friends" with a girl they've already dated and dumped.


I know this is hard to hear, but I think it's important to accept it so that you can stop wasting your time and energy on him. There are other fish in the sea who will treat you better and who will actually want to be with you. Devote your energy to meeting more people instead of wondering about him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You'll hate me for this, but he really never wanted to be with you in the first place that's why he didn't really go out of his way to be with you.


That past relationship crap yadda yadda is 90 percent of the time bull****, he just didnt want to tell you he wasnt that into you as to save your feelings.


He also said to just be friends in hopes that he wouldn't have to just completely hurt you and maybe you would appreciate the sentiment...of course on his own free time he would be friends with you.


All in all, he's being cold which is the right thing for him to do. I don't think he is doing it to be thoughtful and considerate of your feelings and helping you move on but nonetheless he is going on with his life and letting you go on with yours.


It's over, it sucks...cry about it, get hurt, but next time expect more out a relationship and don't invest your time with people who don't even make the smallest gestures to be around you.

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Either he knows he can't spend that much time with you like you wanted because of work and school, perhaps if he didn't end your relationship you may end up hating him more and all of those good times together will just be replaced with anger and disappointments or he just doesn't really want to be with you anymore.


But whatever his reasons are, it's better to move on with your life and find someone who can appreciate you more and can spend that much time with you like you wanted.

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He's being cold because he's hoping you'll take the hint and stop contacting him. And he didn't mean it when he said he wanted to be friends. Guys never want to be "just friends" with a girl they've already dated and dumped.


I know this is hard to hear, but I think it's important to accept it so that you can stop wasting your time and energy on him. There are other fish in the sea who will treat you better and who will actually want to be with you. Devote your energy to meeting more people instead of wondering about him.




Sorry. :(

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