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Does dating again assist moving on?

smokey bear

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When i date it reminds me of my ex, When i dont date im lonely.


Do you have to push yourself through the dating, then in return it helps you move on.


Or do you just not date until it doesnt make you think of your ex.


Im just talking dating, not a relationship where i would using someone as a rebound, simply dating

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From my experience... I'm not sure if I'm emotionally available to day yet. But we all have natural urges we need to satisfy, right? You can still date without commitment/relationship. Just as long as both of you are on the same page.

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Hmm... tough one. For those used to being in a relationship being single for too long becomes less of a breath of fresh air and more like hammering nails into your own coffin.


Dating is going to remind you of your ex for a while. But you need to differentiate something quickly: DATING will remind you of the ex, that's fine.


But if the people you are dating remind you of the ex, that's bad. If they feel just a little too familiar you may be repeating a pattern that will end the same way it did the first time.


What I've been noticing as I sniff around in the dating pool is the things I liked about my exH and the things I didn't like, and the traits that MUST be avoided at all costs.


Try writing a list of what you'd like in a person to date, what you don't like, and what are dealbreakers. Put it on your fridge. This will help when deciding who to date.


And try not to compare them to your ex... outloud at least. You're gonna do it in your head whether you want to or not... even down to the stupidest little detail like "he chews his nails all strange like my ex did". For some reason people you date don't like being compared to your ex :p


TL:DR Dating will remind you of your ex. Just don't date people who remind you of your ex. You'll figure out who those people are quick. They feel just a little too comfortable.

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