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Game over!


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Game over!!

Well, yet again I'm on here asking for advice two years into being single!


I'm really fed up as I really can't seem to get any attention. Admittedly I'm missing intimacy. Here are some of the scenarios...


1) One 40 year old lady was flirting with me (I'm 32) and she was married but after a few months of teasing me we still hadn't done anything. I'm glad we didn't as it's wrong and I kept fobbing her off, but she basically said 'no fun is on offer from me!' so she was in control I guess. Game over.


2) I recently contacted my ex in the hope of some intimacy. Ok, I know it's wrong but I'm a genuine guy who misses feeling close to someone and there was some physical attraction even though it all fizzled out. She said 'nope!' Game over.


3) A girl I used to work with I get on really well with and we've been e-mailing lots, but when she said "I'm missing having a snog and feel like my days are numbered" I replied "I'll snog you if you like." Her next e-mail totally skirted round that comment, so I take that as a no! Game over.


4) Another girl I have absolutely clicked with texted me today and after some nice exchanges she said "guess what? I've met a bloke and I'm head over heels" SLAM! Game over.


5) Was on a night out last weekend. My friend's sister was there too and admittedly not overly attractive but wanted to flirt. She brought her housemate (male) and apparently they're 'on and off.' Stay clear I thought! Game over.


All of this has really happened over the past week. I feel like some potential opportunities have all suddenly gone down the pan! Has someone put a curse on me? I am that ugly? (I'm average but neither ugly or good looking I hope) or am I just a whinger? Who knows!


This is all abnormal surely!


Today I was working with the Police and I went into a shop with one of the female officers. A girl at the counter really smiled and she seemed lovely. And then I thought....no, don't bother. She's just being polite or probably very conscious I was with a Police officer and no other reason!!


Anyone else had this situation as I'm really feeling insecure right now.


Help! (Constructively please!)

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I've noticed a pattern with 3-5 including the last one. That wasn't numbered, so let's just say #6. You never actually tried to ask anyone of them out. You just backed down because you assumed they weren't available. I know it's really tough to put yourself out there like that, but you gotta make leaps to see progress.


And this includes asking a girl out!

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Thanks Neghitzbrah,


You're right! I've not been direct with any of them! You know what, I wish women had more confidence to make the first move but they rarely do which puts the onus on us!


In terms of number 6 (thanks for pointing out I forgot to label it) I might be seeing the girl from the shop on Monday, and I'm quite tempted to ask her out. I know I'm putting up barriers, but not even sure how old she is! She might be 18, but she might be 25! Sounds odd but I think girls can change/hide their features more easily than men.


I'm also worried if I'd be seen as unprofessional going up to a girl whilst in the presence of the Police and doing a serious job. I don't think I'd lose my job, but I do have to do the whole suit business.


Blimey, she might have had a nice smile but that could have just been the 'customer service' image and she might be horrible!! I'm not even sure what to say!!

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