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NC Broken by text from Ex. Any thoughts?


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So I have been broken up with my ex for 2 weeks. It has been 11 days since any contact but I wanted your thoughts about the text string that happened prior.




Her: Hey what you doin

Me. Hey! Im chillen. U? (responded an hour later)

Her: Just finished cooking dinner

Me: Foreal. what you cook

Her: Lasagna

Me:where is my plate?

Her: How is work going

Me: Great..80+ hours in two weeks

Her: Damn dats alot of work. I am glad things are going well. How come u havent been texting me

Me: Yeah its alot. just grinding. I just been busy. Thought u wanted space

Her: Yeah I enjoy the space dont get much with the rug rats in my face lls

Me: well its about them right now

Her: Yes it is they love being home

Me; Happy for yall. its a good situation for you

Her: Well my back hurts, kids are bathed and fed. U know its past my bed time. U cant keep me up all night ;-* (she used to say that before having sex at night)

Me:haha..you dont miss me enough for that..lol

Her: I do but this is best for now

Me: It is..holla at me soon

Her: I will and the phone works 2 ways

ME: I am going at ur speed

Her: ok. Night


Next day she texted me just saying morning, happy halloween and saying how she didnt get sleep. Then called me during her lunch break and I didnt answer saying I was just saying HI..


Nothing since ...any thoughts

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I dunno if I am just fried right now but it seems positive? Just keep LC and play it cool as if it was the first time you two met is best I can come up with right now. Don't be pushy...blah blah.

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See where it all goes. Do you want tO get back with her though?


Neghitzbrah, I am not going ot lie and say I dont want to get back with this girl. Before her I was like I dont want kids blah blah blah, but being with her regardless of the length of time it changed my outlook. It maybe cliche to say you know "the one" I am sure we also that but we are in this forum, but one thing I am realizing out of this whole ordeal when you put it out in the atmosphere that you tuly love someone, that is the same minute GOD will test you on it in one shape or another. Especially if that level of love you are giving that person is not the level of love you are giving him. He will them remove it, give you a choice to make some changes to place that back in your life or you can stay the same and loss it forever. Sorry to get all biblical on you. its Sunday morning. But I appreciate the feedback.

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I dunno if I am just fried right now but it seems positive? Just keep LC and play it cool as if it was the first time you two met is best I can come up with right now. Don't be pushy...blah blah.



I would like to think so, but you never know. All I know is that I am not initiating contact and I wont ignore if she reaches out.. is that what you mean by LC? I just want to respect her decesion to have space even if that means she is back with her ex. I love her and love sometimes mean letting go and letting that person find their way weither with you or without. From the text convo I posted I think I played it cool, but it sucks that was 12 days ago and she has been on my mind 24-7 since we broke up.

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