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Emailing Tony


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You ask: "Tony, once you posted your email here on the shack. Just wanted to check: did anyone abuse it? Did you receive any unwelcome messages?"


As a matter of fact, several of the persons who requested my Email address never contacted me. I received no mail whatsoever from anyone else. Now, it may make a difference that I am a man.




I did email you once about a week and a half ago and I didnt get a reply (sob sob, I thought you had been overwhelmed and just didnt have time to respond to me. Every morning I checked my email and still no advice, I thought I was just me !


Should I try again ??



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Try again and make your Email brief and to the point. I get a great deal of Email and respond to it immediately, unless it is book length. It should not be more than three or four short paragraphs. No life stories, please.


Remember, short, sweet, to the point. Of course, if you can, put your questions up here on the forum so all can give their take on the situation.


<e-mail address removed>

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