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Found female number is he cheating?

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My boyfriend and I been together for about four years we respect each other space and phones. Wha he doesn't know is tha I am able to see incominging Calls from his phone on line at our phone bill website. I recently been seeing this number a lot which is unfamiliar. I called the number privite ofcourse and it was a unfamiliar female voice. I quickly hung up and now I don't know what to do? Should i talk to the female and find out who she is...and ive heard her leave voice messages about call me back as well..keep in my mind my boyfriend doesn't know I can acess this calls.

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Stephen Asamoah
My boyfriend and I been together for about four years we respect each other space and phones. Wha he doesn't know is tha I am able to see incominging Calls from his phone on line at our phone bill website. I recently been seeing this number a lot which is unfamiliar. I called the number privite ofcourse and it was a unfamiliar female voice. I quickly hung up and now I don't know what to do? Should i talk to the female and find out who she is...and ive heard her leave voice messages about call me back as well..keep in my mind my boyfriend doesn't know I can acess this calls.


plssssssssssssss be calm n study

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You've been together for four years. That is a long time. Most couples are married in a year or two.


I would ignore the (possible) cheating and clarify with him if this is a lifetime relationship with yourself, or if you're going to be in limbo for a while.


Or just leave him. Find a man who wants to marry.

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Does he work with women, and does he use his cell for work?


I would just ask him. So he finds out that you have detailed billing on your bill - so what? It isn't like that is a state secret or anything. Most people can see the phone calls on their phone bills. Or are you afraid that he will change his calling habits and you won't be able to see his calls anymore, and you will lose this way to keep track of him?

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Do not ask him, he will deny it

Do not ask her, she will deny it



Time to get a keylogger.....


Look many people say that's an invasion of privacy, etc all....well its an invasion of his secrecy actually.


4 years together? That is dress rehearsal enough for a life together and I would say go with your gut...just remember never to reveal your sources because if there is something to it and you reveal too soon, chances are they will take it underground


remain calm ..he is not going to just up and tell you about this as an epiphany so just keep on investigating until you have concrete proof...

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