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Pretty much every guy on the planet is ugly to me


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I have a serious problem finding men I'm attracted to. I don't like manly looking men. The only guys I am ever attracted to have very feminine features and qualities.


I simply am not attracted to 99.8% of the male population, but I've never been emotionally attached to or wanted to be with a woman.


I get crushes on men, but very girly looking men. The rest of 'em are just... ew.


I hate short hair... I hate big, muscly guys...


I also tend to like really young looking guys... like guys 18-25.


It doesn't help that I'm looking for something committed and serious in that age bracket.


I've found out, that pretty much, every guy I could possibly be attracted to, is either in music, or wants to be. I don't know a single guy who looks like "my type" who hasn't been in a band.


I wish I could find a guy my type with my look that I go for, who just had a regular job and wanted to find a girl to marry.


They're all players. The type I like.

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I have a serious problem finding men I'm attracted to. I don't like manly looking men. The only guys I am ever attracted to have very feminine features and qualities.


I simply am not attracted to 99.8% of the male population, but I've never been emotionally attached to or wanted to be with a woman.


I get crushes on men, but very girly looking men. The rest of 'em are just... ew.


I hate short hair... I hate big, muscly guys...


I also tend to like really young looking guys... like guys 18-25.


It doesn't help that I'm looking for something committed and serious in that age bracket.


I've found out, that pretty much, every guy I could possibly be attracted to, is either in music, or wants to be. I don't know a single guy who looks like "my type" who hasn't been in a band.


I wish I could find a guy my type with my look that I go for, who just had a regular job and wanted to find a girl to marry.


They're all players. The type I like.


Hmm, sounds scarily familiar... :eek:


What makes you think that you wouldn't meet the man of your description anywhere else on the planet?


I don't believe you want a relationship at all.

I don't believe that you are emotionally ready to handle being in one.

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In all seriousness, do you have bisexual tendencies?

Maybe you're into metrosexuals?


Nope, just find women pretty.


There are a few metrosexuals I find attractive as well.

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Originally Posted by holarme

try swinging...less trouble and you still have fun


If I didn't only believe in monogamy, I would.



made me laugh though!!

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I have a serious problem finding men I'm attracted to. I don't like manly looking men. The only guys I am ever attracted to have very feminine features and qualities.


I simply am not attracted to 99.8% of the male population, but I've never been emotionally attached to or wanted to be with a woman.


I get crushes on men, but very girly looking men. The rest of 'em are just... ew.


I hate short hair... I hate big, muscly guys...


I also tend to like really young looking guys... like guys 18-25.


It doesn't help that I'm looking for something committed and serious in that age bracket.


I've found out, that pretty much, every guy I could possibly be attracted to, is either in music, or wants to be. I don't know a single guy who looks like "my type" who hasn't been in a band.


I wish I could find a guy my type with my look that I go for, who just had a regular job and wanted to find a girl to marry.


They're all players. The type I like.


There's a piece of me that wants to lament your attraction to the "feminine" man, as being a fairly masculine-looking guy. I've seen too many attractions crushed, be them my own or those of friends, because I am unable to fit into skinny pants and I tend to grow a beard. ANYWAYS, back to your topic.


It seems like there's a contradiction there. Not trying to stereotype, but you said you like/want


  • Someone who's been in a band, or is part of the music scene
  • someone 18-25
  • someone fairly stable looking for a committed relationship

Those don't seem to mesh together all that well. I'm within that age group myself, and I don't know very many people with stabilized lives that are looking to settle down.


Perhaps you should look past physical attractiveness initially?

(Not sure if I missed the point on that one or not)

Edited by b_80_h
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Well, that seems to be more of the problem. If you're attraction to a certain guy became cemented, then your desire to look for guys who look like him might be a little unhealthy. I have to admit though, your desires seem fairly well lined up. I respect you for them.



Also, I was trying to have a little bit of fun with it. I'm a former College Defensive End, so I'm not exactly a small dude. I'm an aspiring musician myself, and I know that I don't fit the expected body type. Admittedly, I'm a little cranky about past rejections...

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I see plenty of long haired artistic types around, so I don't see why being attracted to that sort of man is a problem. Plenty of them still do artistic or musical things in their spare time while holding down a proper job.


There's a piece of me that wants to lament your attraction to the "feminine" man, as being a fairly masculine-looking guy. I've seen too many attractions crushed, be them my own or those of friends, because I am unable to fit into skinny pants and I tend to grow a beard.

I'm surprised that so many girls would turn down a masculine man in favor of a skinny artistic type. I'd have thought that the majority of women would go for the masculine man, and it would be the skinny man who only appealed to a niche market.

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I'd get into a serious relationship with someone working at mcdonald's... I don't care. I'm not looking for someone with money. Obviously, they'd have to get a better job at some point, but there's no reason why we couldn't be in a serious, committed relationship in the mean time... is there?


It's going to take me a long time to get over the guy that I have recently liked. He was my whole world for a couple years... whether I was ever his or not. </3


I'm 27, I've got the same mentality as you...the last two women I've tried to start a committed relationship with flaked out because they didn't want to get emotionally attached, they just weren't in the "right place"...they essentially still wanted to play the field and not feel like they were settling down...even though in both situations I made it clear, I'm not satisfied settling down myself(though I'm referring to location and career).


I'm looking for a committed, serious relationship with someone that's as compatible as possible, obviously, and like you, I could give 2 beeps about their job. Attraction is definitely key though, and my last two have raised the bar there, so now I'm super picky, and it's bothersome. I don't want to date casually, but it seems like that's where everyone else wants to be at the moment. It's strange, I rarely meet single women my age, it's younger or older, like my entire generation is either married or in a relationship...

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I'm a very petite, feminine looking girl, with a baby face, therefore, big, masculine looking men are really far off the deep end of what I find attractive.


This makes no sense. Your looks "therefore" have nothing to do with what you find attractive. You could be a tall girl with an angular face and still be attracted to soulful wimps.



don't see why I shouldn't be able to find that...


You will never find that while you are still hung up on this guy being your soulmate. And you will never find that while you are so unable to look beyond a few set standards that you have decided are IT; there are lots of femi-boys in other careers than music.


Once I met him, I was ready to drop my own ambitions of being in music, and get more serious about life and maybe about my career goals.


That is patently unhealthy. A strong love relationship should strengthen your own goals, not take them away.


we could of at least moved into an apartment together... for starters.


That would have been awkward, as you don't believe in pre-marital sex, or even pre-marital petting, and you don't believe in living together prior to marriage.


I'd get into a serious relationship with someone working at mcdonald's... I don't care. I'm not looking for someone with money. Obviously, they'd have to get a better job at some point, but there's no reason why we couldn't be in a serious, committed relationship in the mean time.


Really? You aren't looking for someone with money? Then why is it OBVIOUS that he'd have to get a better job? If you don't care about him having money, why does a better job matter? Why don't YOU get a better job, and let him continue at his job? It looks like, obviously, you care deeply about money, and his happiness at his career in music would take a back seat to your desire for "better" things than his current job would bring.

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I wish I could look past physical, but if I'm not attracted, I'm not attracted.


I just want someone I'm attracted to...


I don't see why I shouldn't be able to find that...


actually... I did find that. And now I'm wishing he had better career goals... but the point is... I had to find him in that type of setting to be able to develop feelings for him. A musician type...

Once I met him, I was ready to drop my own ambitions of being in music, and get more serious about life and maybe about my career goals.


He doesn't know this... but I wanted him to come along with me in that...

we could of at least moved into an apartment together... for starters.


I just really am wrapped up with this one particular guy... and it's going to take me a long time to get over it.


I never look at my career or where I'm at financially as the reason to, or the reason not, to get into a serious relationship.


I'd get into a serious relationship with someone working at mcdonald's... I don't care. I'm not looking for someone with money. Obviously, they'd have to get a better job at some point, but there's no reason why we couldn't be in a serious, committed relationship in the mean time... is there?


Something tells me that you are not being honest with yourself.


This is why your posts seem contradictory: you say in 1 sentence that you are looking for one thing and then next you say you're looking for something else.

One minute you care; the next you don't. It's indicative of someone who doesn't really know what they want


LB, how do you think you would be in a relationship? Seriously, I'm not joking here. Do you really believe that relationships will be effortless once you find a match?

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So you're attracted to a certain type of person......so.....how does that really make you any different than anybody else???? I find myself attracted to a particular type of women, but I find that beyond that first glimpse of physical attraction, personality is what obviously sets them apart.


As some other posters here have already indicated, I don't think this is really an issue of a particular type of guy, but rather one guy in particular that you obviously have strong feelings for. Think about it - you have feelings for one particular guy (unless I read your posts incorrectly), so of course you aren't really going to have an easy time finding yourself being attracted to many people.

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I see plenty of long haired artistic types around, so I don't see why being attracted to that sort of man is a problem. Plenty of them still do artistic or musical things in their spare time while holding down a proper job.



I'm surprised that so many girls would turn down a masculine man in favor of a skinny artistic type. I'd have thought that the majority of women would go for the masculine man, and it would be the skinny man who only appealed to a niche market.


I'm not one to argue with personal taste. Everybody has certain things that are attractive, and physical attraction is essential (not the TOP thing, but still needed) for a relationship to blossom, in my eyes at least.


However, I've noticed a weird trend where the skinnier, less-masculine guy has a higher pull in the dating world than more masculine ones. It's alright, because if someone has a personal taste, they aren't wrong. But sometimes, it gets a little nuts. Assuming that someone is "deeper" because they're skinny and artistically inclined is really somewhat shallow, and I've run into that a lot in my age group for some reason.

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It's not that they're "deeper", it's just that aesthetically, to my eyes, more appealing to look at.


Plus, I'm small myself, so.... I don't want a big guy. He'd crush me. lol


jk he probably wouldn't, but still.... I'd actually find more pleasure out of a small guy than a big guy.


I'm weird, I know.

It's not that weird. Usually you see petite women w/ taller/bigger guys & it almost always looks odd to me. It's a strange pairing IMO. But I guess it works. ;)


I'm 5'9" myself w/ a slim build and prefer someone that's either my height or a few inches taller. I'm not into body builder types either & prefer a slim man (I'm no talking drastically skinny or boney). Who is healthy of course.

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It's not that they're "deeper", it's just that aesthetically, to my eyes, more appealing to look at.


Plus, I'm small myself, so.... I don't want a big guy. He'd crush me. lol


jk he probably wouldn't, but still.... I'd actually find more pleasure out of a small guy than a big guy.


I'm weird, I know.


There's totally nothing wrong with that. Heck, I'm a bigger guy who prefers shorter (with a foot to 6 inches of me) women, and I guess I'm strange for it too in a way.

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To be honest, It really just sounds like you described me.

I'm 20.. I skate.. am a musician attending a University for a double major in Music Education / Performance and Foreign Language. Normally I can be found writing music, (Not just like mainstream band type music), however, I also write four to sixteen part pieces. I'm a hopeless romantic and am probably one of the only people, my age, looking for something serious. I am attracted to smaller girls, as I myself am a typically smaller guy in the sense that I am 5 foot 10 and skinny. I am athletic and love being outdoors. I'm pretty inexperienced in dating, however, it's by choice. I want to find a girl... fall in love.. and live my life with her at my side. I've had plenty of opportunities to date in the past, but for some reason, I never followed through with it because they weren't looking for what I was looking for in the long run.


Sorry that I just kind of invaded your thread. It's just that not too many girls find what you find attractive, or have your mind set. Don't worry about what others say... Your described traits and goals for the future are extremely attractive. Anyways, thought I'd be bold and say Hi and greetings from Nashville, TN. : )

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Pretty much every guy on the planet is ugly to me


Why? What is it you don't like about us? You say you like effeminate men. Could it be you like men you don't feel can threaten you? It sounds like it. Must be hard to living with such a fearful attitude.

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Meh, it's true that there are more good-looking women than men, for the simple reason that women are willing to put in more time and effort into their appearance, and sometimes even suffer for it.


Your title says 'pretty much every man is ugly to you', though, which is rather unnecessarily incendiary. Regardless, you aren't going to be able to change every man on this planet, so you really only have two choices: 1) Change yourself, or 2) Remain single.

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LB, your choice in men is only an opinion. It's what you like. I certainly wouldn't say all men are unattractive. They may get beer bellies & lose their hair but they're also the ones who put up w/ us when we're senile old broads. ;)

How many Brad Pitt's do you see walking around the world in real life? Honestly?
Zero. Brad Pitt is not hot... honestly. :p

men's faces usually aren't described as "beautiful"
Beautiful is a poor choice. Handsom is more like it & if he has a nice smile... :love:

Pretty much every girl I'm really close to, has said "I wasn't attracted to him at first, but his personality won me over". That means she doesn't find him physically attractive.
I was that way w/ a guy I had a crush on. Eventually, I thought he was hot.
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how come a girl like this doesn't get flamed? LOL

when I say 'I don't like fat chicks' I get all kinds of comments.

'you are shallow, you are mean, it's about personality' all BS.


anyways I have nothing against a person who prefers certain type. it's either you prefer certain type or Lie.

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how come a girl like this doesn't get flamed? LOL

when I say 'I don't like fat chicks' I get all kinds of comments.

'you are shallow, you are mean, it's about personality' all BS.


anyways I have nothing against a person who prefers certain type. it's either you prefer certain type or Lie.

How do you say it? Do you make fun of heavy women? I know some posters take things personally, but it makes one wonder what others say to get bashed.


I know I couldn't date an obese man. I work too hard to keep myself healthy. I'd expect my SO to do the same.

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