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Should there be a conversation?

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I recently started dating a friend - granted, a friend I've only known for about 6 months and have only seen in group settings (we have a lot of mutual friends). It all started happening quickly after he let slip to one of my best friends that he was interested, there was a flurry of texts back and forth between him and another mutual friend, etc. Kind of grade school of us, but whatever.


Once he found out that I was open to dating, too, he asked me out in a really off-hand, ambiguous way, and then things started progressing quickly. Now our mutual friends think that we're "together" which freaks me out, because I still think of myself as a single person casually dating several people... It freaks me out more because although we've known each other for a few months, we don't know each other that well. It's not like we've had countless one-on-one dinners or coffees or walks or whatever else to get to know each other.


Things blew up this weekend when I basically declared my confusion and explained that I had no idea what was going on, or why we had never had so much as a simple conversation about where we stood. It was like one day we were platonic, the next day we were kissing each other hello in front of friends... but at no point was anything ever discussed or the text messages even mentioned. I know that should be a good thing, that it's more "organic" without a discussion... but for some reason it just felt awkward to me. He was hurt that I felt that way but then said he understood, and we're planning on meeting for a chat tomorrow.


I guess I just need clarification because the way he behaves toward me now, it's like we're in an in exclusive relationship that I am not ready for. Am I weird for wanting this conversation?

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Hi. I'm new here. I got the desire to answer. I think we, the world went very far with the rules for meetings, exclusivity ... blah blah blah!

What you need to get ready for a relationship?

If you think that he is not the one, You must release your self with releasing him!

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I think its perfectly normal to have the "where we stand" conversation. I think you should let him know that you are interested in him but that you are not ready to be exclusive. Ask him what he is looking for and see if you can come to a happy medium. He might not be ok with not being exclusive and you might have to decide whether or not you would like to continue dating other people or start a relationship. However it goes, best of luck!

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