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first date confusion


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So I met this guy on a online dating site. Our first meeting wasn't actually a date. We both happened to be downtown around the same time and decided to meet up. I don't consider it a first date because his friend was there with him. We hit it off decently enough to the point of wanting to go out again, and so we did last night. Prior to the date he told me he was going to have to end the date early dueto a game a hour away he plays volleyball. I looked at the schedule after the date and he proved to not be lying. So during the day of the date i drove to his place. We had a beer before dinner. He mentioned how his friends invited us to some festival,howeverwe got in a convoabout hibachi and I stated how I never done that before so we did that instead. Everything in my mind was going smoothly to this point. I remember mentioning how expensive was and offering to help pay but he was likeno worriesI got this this is a date! I responded with at least I offered and he said true. So like I said everything to this point was good. He opened my car door, our convo at dinner was good...he mentioned his soccer team he played for and invited me to watch cause we realized he played by my house. Then we go to this coffeeshop and that's when I felt uncomfortable. I cant put my thumb on why. Maybe its because when we were ealking on the gravel road I was having trouble walking due to my heels he would reach his hand out to help me but never continued to hold it or what but i just did. Then next thing i know hes likeif its 9 oclock we have to go and certainly it was. Car ride back was fine...and then we end up back to his place. He thanked me for dinner walked to my car..I told him to text me how the game went but he didn't seem interested in doing that.....and we stalled fora bittalking about baseball when we reached my car..and then he hugs me and says well probably hang out again sometime soon....I say maybe you kind of smell jokinglyof course...and then I like playfully punch him...and we kind ifstare ateach otherI want him to kiss me but then this car need the parking spot we were standing in so we moved it the other side of my car awkwardly talking about my car bad how I need a new one...and then they park and he's like ok I gotta go hugs me and he's gone. I haven't heard from him yet, but how do yall think it went. Should I text him to thank him or say what's up. Wait three days and on the fourth day text him. Or say nothing at all? I really like him! Also he's been on his online profile recently but he was on after we first met too so i don't know. So confused.

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