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He says he's leaving

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lemon drop


Talking is over. Walk away and stay away. This fool is playing you.


F these MM anyway. I got no use for any of them.

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Gotta echo what Barsitter said. If I had a quarter for every time MM said he was definitely for sure leaving, we were definitely for sure going to be together, to the point of actual plans of what we do. Did I say for sure. I was 1000% convinced. My friends were convinced. Hell, even my therapist was convinced. Thats how convincing MM was. And here I now sit feeling like what the f happened to all our dreams. Up in smoke.


Seriously, doesn't mean squat until they actually do it, no matter how much they love you or see their future with you.

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break all contact, these situations are addictions. he probably as no one to mess with right now. you are doing good, keep it that way. why would you want to ruin the progress you have. run dont walk from this waste of time.

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Please try everything in your power to do NC and tell him to come find you when the D is final. My x-MM pulled the same game on me. I got fed up with him dragging his feet an broke up with him. His reasons for dragging is he didn't want to hurt the kids. Blah blah. BS. And even got frustrated at me because I never accepted his reasoning as he thought it was legitimate. Interesting, he never cared much about the kids to risk having 5 affairs...

Well after about 2 months he came back. Told me he couldn't move on. I was the one, wanted a path with me. Blah blah. I fell for it and believed him.

Well, I'm sure you can guess how it ended. He decided he just couldn't pull e trigger. I was devastated!!! However, I stayed with him almost a year after that hoping his mind would change. It came to ahead again as I was so tired of being used. It ended horribly recently.

I would give anything to have not taken him back when he "said" he was leaving. I had the power and control when I broke up. Now, I'm crushed again that he's trying to work on his marriage after this recent low up break up.. I feel like a disposed piece of trash. I don't want you to feel this way. They rarely leave. They are chicken sh-t liars.

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