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NC broken


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I broke NC today because I felt the need to be a "nice guy" and help the ex out. I still get some of her mail because we lived with each other 1.5 years out of our 2 year relationship. In the batch of mail were 5 medical statements from when she had fractured her foot a few months back. The statements were from two different doctors and two statements had "past due" notices on them, so I decided to reach out and let her know.


me: "you've got some mail from the doctor here, I think they're your bills"

her: "They're just now sending the bill? I think I've already taken care of them. Thanks anyways"

me: "Well, two of the five have past due notices and just came in today"

her: "wonderful. How much are they?"

me: (responds with amount)

her: "K. Thanks"


I feel how everyone feels when they break no contact (depressed, left wondering, etc.) and I can't justify it with the medical bills. I tell myself that I was just looking out for her and that I've shown that I can live life without her, but I also feel that I let myself down. The fact that she was cold during the breakup and led me on like there was still a chance should only leave me with anger and resentment towards her, yet I still felt the need to be that stable figure in her life telling her that she needed to keep her credit good.


I honestly feel that I was the only stable thing in her life. I paid all the bills, found her a job, and she has the most dysfunctional family I've ever seen; Just can't see how our relationship was something that made her "unhappy".


eh, just another setback I guess, but back to NC.

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That's what I'm afraid of.. Calling hoping for better. So I fight the temptation to call. I know it will not turn out well. Although for me it's been 15 days and he broke off the contact. I saw him on Sunday, he acknowledge me and gave me a hug... I took nothing from it, but a nice gesture. Don't wont to feed the emotional energy...

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