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Letter 2 ex: about me attracting men when I'll be happy again....


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"Don't worry, you will attract men when you will be happy again!"


This is what you told me when you saw me crying at your place when we broke up.


First of all, curious you thought I was crying for that. Did/do you think that was/is this my main sorrow?


Secondly, wrong assumption: I do not have the problem, being me unhappy/not (and I am not talking about creepy A., obviously [A. = an admirer of mine]) . Where did/do you get that idea from? It seem that it's not me but you that who underestimates my physical appearance then...


Were you maybe projecting (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_projection)?


Last but not least, I know that “happiness = attracting new partners” is a popular concept in modern psychology and other less scientific psyco-methods.

And that's the problem with psyco-persons: even if they are men and women of science (or pseudo-science due to the recent cluttered psyco-fluff), they don't take statistics much into consideration: while an oncologist will always tell you the percentage of possibilities you can survive a certain cancer, a psychologist might delude you with the prospective of happiness (or others sometimes) as a panacea.

And I am not saying that happiness does not help, instead, but it might help you more in not needing a partner when you are happy on your own...besides

How much might it increase the possibilities of a new partner (especially if one remains (just as a generic example) ugly or moody or unemphatic? 5%? 10%?

Or, do you think that B.Pitt has the problem when he get depressed?


Or still, and if you never become happy with your life then what? Should you put up with a lifelong singletude?


And, for the record, for what it is worth it, I was crying because I had just realized I lost the man I love(d) and thought he was “the one” for a while. And I never felt that way for anyone else and before me being almost 35, after having known you for 10 years and after having already been through heaven and hell with you.


I think I did not cry much after all if you think to all this...

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