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Ex's Texting you after Break up. What gives?


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just when you think it is all good, you are hit with a text from your ex? You mentally prepared yourself to be cool, not over-zealous, or needy and just be go with the flow. It plays out just like you intended, but then you are left confused. What does it mean? Does it mean anything? Is it that they thought of me just to say hey or was it more? Then you go back to the
not knowing when they will contact you next or if they even will.


For you who have been here, how did your situation turn out?



Example: It was 2 weeks ago from Sunday before I heard a peep from my ex and this was the conversation:


Her: How are you

good, U? ( I Sent this reply 3 hours after her first text)

Her: Chilling

Me: how
the boys

Her: They

Me: Glad u all
well. Thanks for the text

Her: Sure. I text u hours ago

Me: My bad. nice to hear from you though

Her: U too


Like this was just too simple, it makes no sense. If you didnt really want anything why would you send me a text. Go F'n figure.

Edited by jsd43953
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mine did the same thing. he texted me one night after 3 weeks NC saying we need to talk and i waited a day to reply. he ignored it. then he texted me exactly a week later telling me to come over and even called me. i was like uhh really? he was acting like nothing had even happened. i ignored that and havent heard from him in over 2 weeks now.


i think its just because they were thinking about us and want to see how we'll react. or maybe they miss us. or maybe they want to get back together. who knows, it could mean a lot of things, but if it isn't what i want to hear, then its going to be ignored. my ex treated me like dirt, i dont think he could ever make up for it.

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mine did the same thing. he texted me one night after 3 weeks NC saying we need to talk and i waited a day to reply. he ignored it. then he texted me exactly a week later telling me to come over and even called me. i was like uhh really? he was acting like nothing had even happened. i ignored that and havent heard from him in over 2 weeks now.


i think its just because they were thinking about us and want to see how we'll react. or maybe they miss us. or maybe they want to get back together. who knows, it could mean a lot of things, but if it isn't what i want to hear, then its going to be ignored. my ex treated me like dirt, i dont think he could ever make up for it.




I agree who heartedly. We will never know the we why. However our relationship was great, just cut off by external forces so i cant help but to think she had a moment to miss me and possibly reflect on all that I did. Does it means she wants me back or is ready to love me on the level I love her. NO. But for the one moment I was like wow, she thought enough of me for whatever reason to text me. It sucks being a guy with a genuine heart one of the "good guys" we seem to always get the short end of the stick.

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