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Does anyone else think this is really rude?


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5 people got pregnant at work around the sane time. Of coarse the baby bonus aka "bogan bonus" had a hand in that. everyone knows I'm single and there's no single guys at work at all. Yet co workers ask me when am u going to get pregnant. Talk about being nasty.

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It's in poor taste, yes.

Plus, for all they know, you could also be unable to get pregnant and that can be incredibly painful for women.


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Ah the bogun bonus. Gotta love that. I wonder how many young couples went off and blew it on a new plasma tv or xbox instead of the kid?


Still yes it's poor form from them. But then your the one who gets to go on that exotic holiday minus the stretch marks, whilst they get stuck at home changing nappies.


Besides so many people are having kids later in life now anyway, for all they know your career first and as a result because you waited, you'll be sending your kids to some private school. Heck you may not even want kids. So many variables, let them gossip. :)

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Citizen Erased

It's rude, just as your assumption/judgement that they are having children because the government happens to be handing out money to new parents is rude.


Lighten up, they're more than likely trying to be funny and not quite hitting the mark.

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That's what everyone calls it over here. Trust me they weren't being funny. What am I supposed to do? They know I'm single. Get myself pregnant from a one night stand?

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I got the same remarks you know.

I'm also single and haven't got a boyfriend and still some women at work and my uncle are telling me that you should start early with kids before you won't be able to conceive anymore.

At first, I was hurt by the comments and the people at work know I went through a break-up and all.

One friend of mine even said to me that I shouldn't have let my boyfriend go. 'Now is the time to get pregnant !'

How dare she say that you might think. My boyfriend wasn't ready to start a family with me, and that lead to our break-up. I can't force him that now can I ? So I went away.

It hurts and still does. But I'm proud that I was able to leave a toxic relationship and had the guts to face a world without him in it.

Let people talk. Are they really happy with their family lives ? Aren't they just pressuring you because you don't fit in with the masses ?

Luckily my family isn't pressuring me into anything. They respect my decisions. One friend even told me: ' Only life will tell if you'll meet someone and start a family, let fate decide, don't force anything.'

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Citizen Erased
That's what everyone calls it over here. Trust me they weren't being funny. What am I supposed to do? They know I'm single. Get myself pregnant from a one night stand?

I'm from Sydney, I am aware of what some refer to it as. Doesn't make it any less rude or inappropriate, especially when it comes to work.


Just wait until you get married. Then EVERYONE will be asking you. People are nosy, they're not intentionally trying to hurt you.

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That's what everyone calls it over here. Trust me they weren't being funny.


What am I supposed to do? They know I'm single. Get myself pregnant from a one night stand?

Inadvisable for the risk of sexually transmitted diseases...maybe better the sperm bank :-)))


Yeah, some people like to provoke and be nasty claiming they are just joking...in my experience, best thing is to play along with them: tell them what you just said above (and/or what I said) as a joke or tell them they seem like a broken old LP by always saying the same thing to you and if they have no other subject to raise and see how they react; if they really mean to be nasty and see you don't suffer from their remarks, they will get tired of not hitting their target and stop...


And don't fall in the trap of assuming and spreading the voice that you think your colleagues are pregnant due to tax benefits or whatever (i'm not from the USA): being it true or not, it would just make you look jealous of their "successes"...don't do it.


Good luck.


Edited by Magda70
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I'm not trying to be a bitch or anything. I know for a fact that one of my co workers got pregnant on purpose, so she wouldn't have to work. She straight out told me herself.

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Yeah it is rude , while becoming pregnant is a wonderful thing , it does not define you . Like marriage and babies are the happy ending for women .

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