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Getting to the good life


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I PMed this to an LSer. I value their opinion greatly, but, I've decided to make it an open topic for response...




I'm asking you this because I want an honest answer.


I saw my ex tonight, in a glance, and then I looked away but could still see him out of the corner of my eye. We were barely 5 feet away. Then he saw me, I felt his eyes. I was in a small crowd. Happy, smiles, laughing, hugs.


And then I left. Not distraught as I was several months ago, but I feel it deep in my heart. I love him and this isn't going to change, only the way I deal with it will. What am I to do? Settle? Find a nice man, like the one I am dating, and take the plunge? Get the companionship, the wedding, the house, the kids, the "life" I've always wanted? Or wait for that true love again, risk being alone, and end up the old cat lady?


There must be something to be said about good people who get burned by love but still seek the good life.

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What is true love? Could it be something that you made up in your mind, that you will always look and never find? Or is it something you already has but can't clearly see? How and why do you love somebody? For me, love is more of an action than a feeling. I look at a woman, spend some time together, see through her, and then I decide whether to take some action or not. Now, that action is an expression of love as a feeling, then translates into more love, at the end becomes the love itself. I love unconditionally, without any expectation, without any calculations, any regrets. That is something I can do anytime I want to (though it takes sometime to love someone and stop loving), because it is me giving it, nobody else. As long as I think a woman is worth it, I will give it. That is love, and I know it is true, because I own it. If I instead expected somebody else to give me true love, then I would be fooled.

Moreover, why would you settle when you find a good guy? Believe me a good guy will never make you settle, because he will always push you one step further, to be a better person with each step.

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Never settle. Find a way to be happy alone and then the love you find wiil be that much better. Love is not a race.


I agree with this post 100%


But you also shouldn't settle for anything less then you deserve. Look what happened to me. If you want true love, go out and get it. It starts from within first.


Since this is an open topic, I am going to tell you with what you told me about your current situation, you are settling. If you want someone to invite to thanksgiving dinner or christmas or you want them to invite you and they don't, that's settling for less then you want and less then you deserve. Fix it or get rid of that and go find what you want and dont stop until you find it.


Listen to Rocky in this video, just listen to him, rewind it and listen to it again and again until you understand what he's saying.
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