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Ex-coworker.. friends with benefits? More?


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Now a little background -- My excoworker and I worked together for about 3 years & were extremely close. We hung out outside of work a few times and i had no idea he was interested in me until he kissed me.:love: Before we could see whether or not we could go anywhere, my ex came back into the picture and I let my coworker know that things couldnt go anywhere being that i was going to try to work things out with my ex. I left the job not long after.


Now fast foward about a year or so later -- I recently ran into the ex-coworker while visiting a mutual friend. We exchanged numbers and communicated back and forth before meeting up for drinks. We talked & laughed like old times for hours. He brought up my ex (asked if I was single).. I apologized for the way our friendship ended.. Lets say one thing led to another and we ended up sleeping with each other. In the morning, we laughed, joked and talked some more. And he also made of mention of a few things future tense as if we would be getting together again.


Now, its been about a week and a half since. We have been texting back and forth but as of yet he hasnt tried to make any other plans nor has he brought up the fact that we had sex. I'm not sure if I'm looking for a boyfriend or a "friend-with-benefits". Should I bring anything up or just go with his flow? I know personality-wise I am a bit more aggressive then him so Im thinking just give it time see where hes trying to take things but my mind is racing.. Need some outside opinions.

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What kinds of things has he been saying in his texts?


Has he called you at all? If a guy doesn't call after sex (and only texts), my guess is he's not that interested in a relationship. Guys who want a relationship pursue and want to talk to you.


And why would you want a FWB? If that's all you want, just invite him to come over.

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He asks me like what am i doin.. we speak about our day.. we joke back and forth.. We speak if not daily every other day. No he hasnt called.


Im not sure whether or not im ready for a relationship. I just came out of and on and off 5 year relationship & i dont want to jump into something serious.


Ok, I am lying. I deftinatley am interested in him. We have great chemistry and a had a great friendship.. I am interested in it possibly progressing into more later in the future but at the moment i want to take things slow. I want us to get to know each other better romantically. But I am thinking since I "gave it up" so quickly.. he might not see relationship-potential. ALSO! i forgot to mention.. the sex was bad. so ive been thinking maybe hes a bit embarassed that he finished so quickly?

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