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Would You Males/Females Date People with Pimples/Freckles/Scars on Their Face?


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Just wondering what you folks think about people with pimples, freckles, and scars on their faces...would you talk to them..or even date them?


What would you do if someone had these and they approached you?


Since I have pimples and I am single I am wondering if the pimples has an effect.

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[font=arial][/font][color=blue][/color] :)


Why be worried about that?? If a girl likes you, then it shouldnt matter what you look like..I know my ex had them but that didnt stop me from getting to know him and care about him..Dont worry about it, find ya a girl and have fun!! Good luck to ya!

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:confused: Yes, I would talk to someone with scars/freckles/pimples. I might date them as well, if I liked their personality and all.


I seriously doubt you're single because you have pimples on your face. How old are you? Is your acne a big problem for your self-esteem? Have you seen a dermatologist? Tried any medications/creams?



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Originally posted by CuriousGuy1234

Just wondering what you folks think about people with pimples, freckles, and scars on their faces...would you talk to them..or even date them?



What would you do if someone had these and they approached you?


The same things I'd do if I was approached by someone who had not them.

Talk to them if they look okay, ignore them if they look like they are drunk, or on drugs, or like jerks.


Well, if I was talking with someone who has scars on his face which look recent, and looks like he has been in a car crash, sooner or later I'd ask him what happened to him.


Since I have pimples and I am single I am wondering if the pimples has an effect.


I don't think they are related. Every day tons of people fall in love with girls and guys who have severe cases of pimples or other skin problems.

You probably find your pimples a huge turnoff, while probably most girls wouldn't.

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How bad are the pimples? I would find severe acne a major problem. But let's be real - if acne were a total turnoff, there would be ZERO teen pregnancies!!! :laugh:


What have you tried to treat the problem?

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my bf has zits, i love to pop zits!


he gets them a lot more in the summer-on his back, butt, legs, face....


i love him and i think he is totally sexy! i also get zits...we do not care!


and since i am a picker i do have some scars, not really noticable, but they are there.



no one is perfect, and if you are with someone who thinks that people should be perfect, then that is unrealistic!

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To CuriousGuy1234:


You asked if anyone had ever dated anybody with pimples, freckles, or scars on their faces. I once dated a guy with a cleft palate. His facial scar didn't bother me a bit because he was a cool guy to hang out with. The reason we broke up is because he wasn't ready for a relationship at that time (he had broken up with his fiancee about a year before he met me).


But it wasn't at all because of his facial scar. And it was HIS CHOICE to break up with me!!! :p


But I know where you are coming from. I had pimples and acne when I was younger. I would avoid social situations because I was so ashamed of the way my face looked. But in time my skin cleared up, and I'm sure yours will too.

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Absolutely I would! Freckles are cute too. I still get zits in my 30s sometimes, what the heck is that about? You just sort of learn to ignore them and on other people too.


I've dated a guy with a rather large scar on his face and it didn't bother me a bit.

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EVERYONE gets zits. It's a fact of life. Some all their life. My dad still gets them and he's 55.


How old are you? It'll pass, to a point where it's not too bad. Especially if you're a teen. I went thru some rough times. I looked like a pepperoni pizza. Take care of your skin. I have a great regimen (is there a T in there?) that consists of using non-oil based foam facial wash by Neutrogena and then night time facial...uh...stuff...by Oxy, vanishing cream, maximum acne treatment (Walmart has their own brand, much cheaper and just as effective)


My ex would sometimes break out around her chin area. No big deal.


Personally, I WANT a scar on my face. A cool scar. Like Harrison Ford.

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I'd think personality would be more of an issue. I could end up with a total knockout, but if I couldn't talk to her I couldn't stay with her. If you still find an attraction to each other then who cares.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Man, from a guy who had to deal with really bad acne, I'll tell you now: Don't even waste your time worrying about such things.


Firstly, any one that isn't attracted to you because of pimples or anything as shallow isn't worth it. They'll just jump ship as soon as some other pimple-free person comes along. Secondly (and it has been said to death), pimples DO actually disappear with time. Don't wait for it - when it starts to happen you will just *know*. Thirdly, don't do as I did: Don't become some quiet, back-seat, completely reserved and ultimately mute character because you're afraid it will draw attention to such minor things. I did this and I look back and know that its just not worth it. Girls love it when you can make them laugh, when a guy's genuine and friendly and talkative. Just be yourself - don't let the pimples get you down. Trust me on this one. Without personality, there is an empty SHELL.


Personally, I had to take a number of steps to get rid of the problem. I saw a doctor, and he prescribed me vibratabs. These didn't work, cause my acne was just too severe. Next, I used Roaccutane for 6 months. It was 6 months of hell. Your skin goes dry as a rock - but the acne goes! Trust me: I'm not exaggerating by saying that I was applying moistureiser (Vitamin A.C.E. - non oily) every hour or two. I was washing my face twice a day (never use soap - it ain't good! Get a proper medicated facewash - eg. QV Wash), and applying a creme (Benzac W, I believe) at night time. When I thought it was all over, I got off the medication, only for it to come back. Onto the Roaccutane once again for another 6 months.


They say a person's cycle of bad acne *usually* lasts approximately 5 years. Mine started when I was 13. I'm 23 now and its only the last couple of years that my skin's been clear completely (with the odd exception). Oh, and I still use that facewash!


Don't let it get you down man. There are a billion people who are going through the same thing or that have gone through the same thing. When the pimples disappear you'll realize how trivial they are and that stopping your potential life for them just isn't worth it. Be yourself and the girls will love you for it.

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I don't think it matters as much for men as it does for women. Hell, some guys look even more masculine with a nick here and there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Eh, I have cystic acne, and my boyfriend still thinks that I'm hot. Then again, I don't have breakouts too often (it used to be really bad when I was young).

Don't let your outward appearance affect what you think of yourself. If you're a good person, girls will notice that. If it really bugs you, go to a dermatologist and get on an antibiotic for your face. That's the only thing that clears up my problem skin.



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Everybody has moles, scars, and blemishes to a degree, and a lot of people have freckles. If it is severe acne, go to a dermatologist.


Be confident about yourself as a whole--if you want to have moles/scars removed, lose weight, or fix a crooked tooth, go ahead, but don't judge your worth by a mirror reflection, and don't judge anyone else's worth by a 3 second look over.


I don't scan guys for freckles or blemishes, and I find scars attractive. Hopefully my boyfriend overlooks the birthmark on my neck and my roman nose. Nobody owns the patent on physical perfection.

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  • 2 months later...

date someone with all of that. Everyone has that. Here's a little secret. Once I had a real break out for no apparent reason, I looked like I had chicken pocks! I used Proactiv and my god, it's GREAT!!!! That stuff works like magic. It gets rid of all your zits and keeps you skin smooth, soft, and glowing. You MUST use that. It's $40 bucks, but if it was $1000, it's worth every penny!


I never spend that much on anything, so trust me! :p

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It isn't even a big deal at all! That's really messed up if someone wouldn't date another just because of an imperfection. It's all about personality, and if someone is more concerned about your appearance, then they're not worth the time of day...

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Yes I would talk to them, and if they had a nice personality and I knew them well I would date them. Looks don't matter to me, and I don't think they should matter to anyone else.

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as a teen I had really really bad skin, but now in my mid 20's I still get the small breakout once a month but it never seemed to bother any guy I've dated. And growing up as a brunette with tons of freckles I became very fond of them. they are a part of me and I think in a way they a very sexy. and any kind of scrae on someone is a part of them and has a story behind it, and if you are interested in them then you wany to know about all of them not just the marks on their body.

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This weekend I saw a girl about 20 years old, and she had a line of freckles over her nose, under her eyes and over her cheeks, elswhere on her face and body, her skin was creamy smooth, blemish free and very pale - I was like DAAAYHUMM! :love::love::love: If she didn't have the freckles I probably would've looked twice, but not a third time.

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