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so, i feel like a changed person....i seriously have no emotion about anything anymore like i did before, whats his face bothered me again yesterday but eh i ignored him.

i havent thought of him at all and well i feel a little bit strange but this is normal right?

i guess it just took me to get pushed enough to the edge and be tired with all this crap to finally have a change in my personality or my heart.

this feel so great :] now im just waiting to be able to move away from here and start to figure out everything im going to do and accomplish it all :D

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ive been doing good, i finally didnt hear from my ex and i didnt think about him at all, which was super good for me, today he came to pick up our son and i tried to have a conversation with him about how our son will always be first over his friends or his new girlfriend and how when he says hes going to pick him up at a certain time he gets there at that time and no later then that and he blew up, started telling me off, started talking bad about my family and my life and laughed as he drove away.

this will be the last time i will try and converse with him at all especially when i was being civil and talking right and not yelling or anything, it kinda hurts that he acts this way but oh well ill just make sure it doesnt happen again.

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the rest of the day after my last post was good, ex told me off some more and i just ignored it, he called me and i ignored it and now hes texting and im ignoring him, just go away please, i cant wait for tomorrow so i can have an awesome feast!!

lol i really love turkey with gravy ah lol i think im also going over to a friends to stuff my face over there yay! happy thanksgiving everyone from Alexis!!!

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today was a good day, my ex came over to eat dinner and well i took off and he finally spent time with our son which is what he needs to do, anyways i do have a feeling of anxiety but im sure it will go away soon.

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