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Army spouse, deployed husband wants to divorce;


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I have been with with my husband for about 8 yrs total (on and off), been married for 2. About a month ago my husband completely stopped taking my skype calls, msgs, and emails. He put 1000$ in my bank account and the next day he says "When i get to Georgia i will file"

...i have been the most supportive army wife to this soldier, 100% faithful, and the whole 9 yards. He said we "fight alot" but thats normal when ur spouse is deployed and especially if its his first duty station. We have not had a chance to actually enjoy our marriage since his Boot camp, AIT, and his first deployment.

Anyways, I cant seem to even want to move on or think about moving on because he is leaving me hanging by a thread - when i do talk to him i cant help but think he is just confused and one of these days sooner or later hes just gonna come to his senses and just say to himself, "geez i ****ed up. i need to save my marriage before its too late" ...he doesnt even want to fight for this, he gives up just like that. I dunno...i find it so hard to get outta beds in the mornings if it wasnt my sister doing her best to try and keep me occupied. Ive recently started jogging and walking, so that helps just alittle...other than that...hes deleted me from facebook - added some korean girls to his page. :[ geez that hurts just to even type that. He also stopped giving me pay from his paychecks, but dont worry i got ahold of JAG to make sure that is taken care of. Other than that, ive been a train wreck ever since. -_-

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Peple rarely do something like this "out of the blue".


Odds are...he's involved with someone else.


Are you friends with anyone else in his unit, or with a wife who's spouse is in his unit?


Do some research...find out for sure if he's seeing someone else. If he is...since he's military, there's quite a bit you can do about it.


Start with gathering intel...find out what's going on in his end of things...and then develop your battle plan from there.

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