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Your life: one thing you would like to change with your life??

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Well to cut a long story short iv been thinking that something has been missing in my life the last year and a half but cant quite work out what but know something needs to change so its got me thinking what would other people want to change/make happen in their life if they could??..

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Well to cut a long story short iv been thinking that something has been missing in my life the last year and a half but cant quite work out what but know something needs to change so its got me thinking what would other people want to change/make happen in their life if they could??..


One of my LS favorites posted in another thread that he's able to "live on very little."

I aspire to the same.

There's a freedom in that; an ability to travel light through life; a lack of attachment to the material, that very much appeals to me.

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I would like to be happy with where I am, and stop looking to the past, unless it's in a nice way. (Not wishing to be back there, and kicking myself for mistakes.) Making the small changes that lead to bigger, more positive changes, instead of depression keeping me in its clutches.

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Feelin Frisky

Solve my orthopedic problem. I risked surgery this year and it failed and I'm still stuck in private torment with a million question marks.

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I would change two things: I would have broken up with my fiance 10 years ago, and I would have gone to grad school at a different school in a different city, rather than stay in the same city where I went to college.


Actually, had I gone to grad school at a different school in a different city, I would never have met my fiance, so I guess that IS just one thing. It just takes care of the other by rewriting the timeline.

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