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is this normal?

Bobby Dygytul

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ok ,i have this problem. My new GF "her name is Spot" has really bad breath and wags her tail too much when we are in bed. Also, when she gives me oral sex, her teeth just seems to be way too sharp. We will be in bed sometimes and a firetruck will drive by and she will leave me in bed to chase the firetruck. Does anyone else have this problem?


LOL, Juss kidding!!!


no, for real now, i have this new GF named Beth. Every since we met and started going out, i haven't stopped thinking about her. Not even for a minute. She is so beautiful and such a nice person. I can't even consentrate at work. All i can think about is how much i can't wait to see her or talk to her. We have only been going out for like a couple weeks so i cant possible be in love. Then again i have never been in love. All i want to do now is to be with her. I will do anything for her and i have never felt this way towards anyone before in my entire life and im unsure on what to do. Is this a normal feeling? I have dated bunches of females and i have never felt this strongly towards anyone.

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And you can't call her right now, and you're so bubbly in love, you just had to tell SOMEBODY you love this chick. That was the realm reason for this post.

Oh, Bobby...We're all so happy you're in this little relationship!!!!


It's just so wonderful.


Bobby and his girl, sittin' in a tree...


Bob, seriously (I just had to poke some fun at you)


you're asking us to tell you if you're in love. Love means so many goddamn things to different people, nobody here can tell you if you're "in love."


But, I wish I had that awesome feeling right now!!!


Good luck, and keep us posted.

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Oh, Bobby...We're all so happy you're in this little relationship!!!! It's just so wonderful. Bobby and his girl, sittin' in a tree...


Bob, seriously (I just had to poke some fun at you) you're asking us to tell you if you're in love. Love means so many goddamn things to different people, nobody here can tell you if you're "in love." But, I wish I had that awesome feeling right now!!! Good luck, and keep us posted.

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You are so adorable- its nice to read a post from someone whose worst problem is being happy.


Love has as many different meanings as there are people in the world. To truly define it would remove all mystery- and then love would be just another word that we throw around. (some people already do that- sad)


I know you are extremely caught up in this new and wonderful feeling- and sometimes (okay "a lot" of times) it can keep us from thinking rationally- so let me say this.... you might want to tone it down a notch or two while in the presence of this new lady. Although we here in the forum seem to be looking forward to the next poem or song- or squeal of delightment- she on the other hand could get a little nervous about it -being so early in the relationship. You don't want to give her the impression that you are the smoothering type- ya know?


Obviously we are very happy for you- and want to see this work out- so keep your head on straight- and keep us updated! Jenna

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YOU ASK: "still how i can change and be better for him, if he thinks he don't need to work on anything him self?"


This is really absurd. You have a pretty sick relationship here. Nobody should have to change for somebody else. Why are you trying to force this so hard when there are so many other wonderful people out there who you could get along wonderfully with and who do not drink.


Incidentally, his moodiness, rapid change of moods, is very typical of an alcholic personality. Even if he doesn't drink a lot now, he can still be an alcholic.


YOU ALSO WRITE: "i didn't tell him how rude he can be, i didn't tell him how obnoxious he can be or how arrogant he can be, or how impatient he can be, or self-centered or disrespectful, or noncommunicative he can be."


So if this guy can be rude, obnoxious, arrogant, impatient, self-centered, disrespectul, and noncommunicative, why are you with him???????? I am so sorry, but I find no fault with him for being the way he is, at least as it relates to you. He has not put a gun to your head to remain with him and he obviously isn't going to change.


This whole thing is squarely on your shoulders. You need to find out in counselling WHY you are intent on remaining in a relationship with such a person. I hope you find out...and I hope you can get the courage to make a happy life for yourself.

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Basically, you can't go into a relationship thinking that there are things you can't tolerate but you will change the guy and things will be all right. You are very confused because you see good things in this guy and you see bad. We would all like to have a relationship where everything is 100% good. But that is not the real world.


My suggestion is to take a sheet of paper and list all the pros and cons of staying with this guy (because you are not going to change him, especially with disapproving nagging). If he comes out with too many qualities on the con side, then you should move on. But if your problem is really your own insecurity and you will bring that into your next relationship, then counseling to bring up your own self image, is a good idea.

i read in a post to another person where you said something about you can grow more while in a relationship then out of one. well i think that that is using the person especially if it is hurting both of you to be in the relationship like mine. i've had these problems all my life, relationship problems with jealousy, insecurity, control, fears and anxiety. so if i stay with my current and work on myself wouldn't that help more then if i was single and worked on myself? what is your opinion on this? after all who ever i am with will go through the same problems because of me if i don't fix them myself. even dispite the way that he is, i still need the help so maybe i would try harder while i am with him then if i was alone. i don't know if i'm making any sense, i hope so. my mind is kind of jumbled right now so i can't think clearly. thank you for helping me see what you mean, and i am still pondering what you said and wondering why myself am i staying with him when he is like that. only that i love him alot! and my heart breaks thinking of leaving him. he never does things to make me jealous or insecure like stare at other women or make comments about them, heck he turns the channel when women are parading around in practically nothing. i've never ever been with a guy that did that, they all have to stare, gawk, comment and whatever, while he don't, that is weird and rare!
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