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Movies to get over him/her

Berlington Bob

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Berlington Bob

I thought I might start a post to talk about breakup movies. I've never ever liked chick flicks but I guess there are a lot of girls here so we can include those as well... I watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall the other day and it really helped me. The situation is almost identical to mine and movies like that usually have pretty good endings. I guess we can include TV episodes too since there are a few that are really good for this.


I'll start the list:

South Park Episode: Raisins (everyone on here should watch this)



Forgetting Sarah Marshall



The wedding singer (although I hate adam sandler)




Those are like the 3 I know... It would be cool to get some other ideas.

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ok i dont know if this is good or bad. yikes.


its "the adjustment bureau"


its a scifi/fantasy...kinda. its not really about breaking up and making you feel better. its more like how sometimes unknown greater forces, that we sometimes cant see, can interfer with us and break us up almost beyond our control. thats what i got out of it.


but it also made me see...how the things we ourselves do, can lead to breaking up if you dont give it our all. and yet when we do sometimes even give it our all...eternal happen-stances.......happen to botch up our better effort. we are not always to blame 101%. it takes so many things to make all the mechanisms in a relationship work and it takes a village sometimes...to help keep it all a float.


ok ..lol...kinda deep. but so interesting too.

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I second "Swingers."


















When I saw this in the theater the first time, and he's on the phone with his ex, and he hangs up on her so he can talk to the cute girl he just met, and he cuts her off when she says "I Love You" the entire theater erupted in laughter and applause!!! It's such a triumphant moment. I hope I can meet a new cute girl and feel like that too.....soon.

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500 Days of Summer. I think it shows how relationships can go wrong, and how as much as you may want to be in it, there is a possibility that there is something else out there that is better for you.

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