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is it over between us

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[sIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua]It has been two years since I havebeen in relationship with a girl. It has been very exciting all along. However,few things have taken place recently that sort of jolted me. As is her wont,she shares everything with me. Lately, she told me about her colleague. They areboth working together and she said that this guy is very intense and deep. Besides,she said what she liked in him was his utter innocence. Gradually, thedescriptions about this guy began to occupy more and more space of ourconversations on phone. Every now and then, she would come up with something orthe other about him and his likes and dislikes. Evidently, she was usually inhis thought, so at least I felt. But I did not instantly react even though I keptfeeling bad about it. Then one day the outburst happened. As she continuedtalking about him, I told her a bit aggressively that I did not like hearing somuch about a guy who I was little concerned with. She shot back saying I wasinsecure. An argument followed and I just hung the phone and told her not tocall me anymore. After an hour or so, she rang me back again saying she wasn’tfeeling well. When I asked what was wrong, she said she wanted to hug me and bewith me for some time. I asked her very calmly if she was interested in otherguy in any way. She became violent saying how I could think like that. All thatwas there to her relationship was just a liking for the character of that ‘innocentman’ who did not even understand anything beyond good words. The issue wasover.[/FONT][/sIZE]

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[sIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua]Next week, she had to travelto her parents who stay far away. While coming back, she reported she cameacross a man who was travelling with her. It turned out he was a photographer(which I too am coincidentally), which excited her. He showed her some of hiswork that left her damned impressed. They exchanged numbers and email andjourney was over. However, this man called her next day inviting her for adinner. She accepted it and went over there with her brother. He hosted it inone of the costliest joints in our city. The relationship grew though it wasonly two-day old. This man became friendly with her family, in fact a goodfriend of her brother and started calling them every now and then. He did notbelong to this place and had to return after four days. Even while going, hekept messaging her from train where had reached and finally when he reachedhome. [/FONT][/sIZE]

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[sIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua]What is interesting is it wasshe who told me each and every detail of this incident. Then a few days shecalled me to say she wasn’t feeling well, in fact feeling very emotional. I askedthe reason. She told me on my promise not to react aggressively that she felt that‘that man’ had something more for her than friendship. I asked her what madeher feel so. She said she was just having intuition of that sort and she wasnot sure it that was really the case. I asked her if she felt the same for him.She said she liked that guy but there wasn’t anything more. Her voice soundedso emotional and shaky as she was telling me this that I was dumbfounded. Then shesuddenly asked me to hug her tight because she was feeling so down. [/FONT][/sIZE]

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[sIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua]Although the things looknormal, I have a feeling that there is writing on the wall. Is this womanunstable or is it just normal for a woman to behave so? Should I stick to thisrelationship or is it time to call it a day and move on? Although I am showingnormal, inside I am not so much.[/FONT][/sIZE]

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[sIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua]Advice please.[/FONT][/sIZE]

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I don't know what is wrong with my pasting the content ms word to the page of this site. It's my first post. Now when I want to edit it, it is not permitting me to retype or delete and repaste it. Strange!

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Your girlfriend doesn't seem to respect boundaries all that well, and seems to play "stupid" about other guys. It isn't a normal relationship when your S.O. is spending a lot of time talking about, having dinner with, or hanging out with other guys. Time to either tell her goodbye, or set definitive boundaries with her.


Don't let her define your suspicions as insecurity, that is a huge red flag and a sign of someone cheating - to make you feel like you're the one doing something wrong. You have every right to ask her or talk about something that makes you uncomfortable, and if she cares about you and loves you she will calmly reassure you and have no problem with your reasonable boundaries. To react the way she has been with scorn, however, in my opinion is a HUGE RED FLAG that should not go unnoticed.

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If the roles were reversed do you honestly think she would put up with such disrespect from you? Time to move on. If you do not respect yourself then who will?

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If the roles were reversed do you honestly think she would put up with such disrespect from you? Time to move on. If you do not respect yourself then who will?


I agree with the above poster, I mean when your in love you really do the upmost to stay together, this doesnt seem the case


I say check out Best Flirt Lines and go out and get someone else! Plenty of fish in the sea my friend.

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I understand exactly how you feel. I am going through something similar kinda. He made me feel like I was the evil person not him and he gave me the third degree. I want to work on our problems and figure out what we have to do but instead he is giving me the cold shoulder because I was the one who messed up but in reality he was the one who messed up and he is blaming it on me.

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