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How do I find it within myself to go for good!


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Well I saw my ex husband with his g/f today, it was like a punch in the stomach, but I saw how happy he is, his smile. He's happy and he deserves to be happy.


UGH!!!! I'm miserable and I cannot seem to move forward. We"ve been divorced for 3 years, seperated since 2008...


I look at my b/f and I am constantly reminded of the fact that my marriage didn't work. No matter how hard I try to put it on the back burner, to forget about it, it's there and it creeps up and slaps me in the face full force.


I try to have somewhat of a normal life, I come back to my b/f when I break up because I think, " ok make this work"!!!!!!!your not a failure.


I have told him how I feel, what I am feeling about my ex, and he stays, he fights for us...but I don't feel the strength to fight anymore...I cannot leave, I don't know how to, I don't know how to financially do it cause we've got so much in the house etc.....and I don't want to move the kids again.....


How do I find it within?????

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Happyness, Happyness within yourself is the only way to let go.


I think its easier to find when your alone, You have to make yourself happy, thats when you let go.


Be careful of hurting your boyfriend.

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