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hey everyone!


so if anyone has ready my coping journal then you would know me and my ex decided to be friends again, not only for our son but also for us.


anyways, i started talking to this guy and i was really happy because he wanted to hang out and all that good stuff and well i told my ex because he asked and he was like im glad your happy anyways my ex kept texting me and then i told him i would talk to him later and stuff and he was like alright and i didnt expect to get a text at all from him so it didnt even bother me anymore but right now its 1:37 and so he texted me around 12:30 for what idk but he started asking about this new guy and i told him everything but it was question after question then he said he was gunna go to bed and he would talk to me later which i dont care if he does or not anymore anyways i dont get why he would text just to ask me stuff about this new guy im talking to when he said he didnt love me anymore, im not gunna let it bother me but i need some opinions and help when he does this again in the future.


anyone wanna help?

thank you!

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