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How sad...


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This story doesn't have to do with me, but with one of my best friends. It is just something that got me thinking...So her and her bf of 3 years had a very nasty break up. I will spare the details, but for the past few weeks she has been talking about how much she hates his guts and wishes bad things upon him and all that stuff. Well she called me last night crying because she found out her ex died in a car crash. Now she regrets not trying to fix things with him and really letting him know that she loved him this whole time.


This even broke my heart because it really got me thinking about if I was put in that situation. I would be devastated if my ex died so suddenly because I love him very much still. It is just scary how easily life can be taken away in a split second. It makes me want to just go find my ex, give him a big fat hug, and tell him how much he really means to and that I am sorry that I have been ignoring him. Don't worry, I am not acting on that or anything because I am not ready to have him back in my life, but it is still scary how quickly these things happen ya know?


Sorry if this depresses anyone, but I thought I would share because now my friend has to deal with these regrets and such and I can't even fathom how devastating that must feel.

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Yeah that's pretty heart breaking.. Sort of makes me want to tell my ex that I hope everything is ok with her (though I'm not going to break NC). I genuinely do, deep down inside somewhere. Beneath these intense feelings of spite and ill will, and an urge to see her life crash and burn like mine has, I really do hope nothing seriously bad happens to her.. I couldn't bear it.. Despite what she's done to me, I think the world would be a much sadder place if she was no longer in it.

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