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Difficulty trying to block thoughts of premature contact


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Hi guys, any advice on what I can do if thoughts of breaking NC with my ex overcomes me? I don't wanna mess this up, it has been 7 days alr. Any tips or exercises that can keep my mind from thinking too much everytime the urge comes up?

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Cover your right eye with your hand or a patch for 20 minutes. Keep the eye open when covered. This reduces the amount of sensory input to the left hemisphere of the brain and that reduces the amount of obsessive thinking.

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Well, it depends on your situation . First , do you want her back ? Is there a real chance that breaking NC will save your relationship ? If there is , and you feel that strong then go for it . However, if there is a good chance you will be ignored or brushed away then don't do it . One week is not a long time ( although it may feel like it is ) . If you stand a chance of feeling worse after breaking NC then I would hesitate to do it . Its really up to your situation . I hope whatever decision you make is the best one for you . Cheers

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James: Everything I've done till now was geared towards getting her back. We've had First Contact already, and she's at least comfortable seeing me around. Now I'm hoping we can shift back to talking terms secretly. I'm considering waiting another week then break it. Patience is the key~ =)

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Hey i read back your other posts, she is with another guy yes?


Dont contact, i also found that when fb went quiet, something was happening, this is not the time to contact.


If she has someone else, you shouldnt be contacting at all, the more you contact the more you help her rebound grow.


Be patient, looking back on my situation i see now that my ex has never went more than 3 weeks without initiating contact


it drags in, but get yourself busy.


Are you in a postion for her to come back,


financially secure, emotionally secure, job going well, lookng good.


Are you where you want to be for her coming back?

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Thought I saw someone that looked like her today, from the back view. The other guy was kissing her non-stop. I hope it wasn't her, but it drove me into a frenzy for about 10mins. I managed to keep my cool and acted like I didn't care, but it was a raging battle inside me. Any other tips on how I can prevent such things from making me go into premature contact?(I nearly did call her, but stopped[thank goodness for my willpower])

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It sounds simplistic and dumb, but just don't. I understand the urge, but find something else to occupy your mind for that period of time. Anything at all. It will fade in time.


By the way, the purpose of no contact is to heal, not to get someone back. Don't do no contact with the plan of contacting her later to get back together, it won't work 95% of the time; especially if she is with someone else. Avoid any and all contact at all costs.

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