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Fun thread, what gets your goat....

smokey bear

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What did your ex do that really annoyed you, little habits etc



My ex used to chew his nails and spit them across the room. Absolutely hated it!!!!

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Oh my god that is gross. Haha Honestly very little bugged me. Maybe when he would watch TV and still give me answers but had no clue what I was asking lol. Sometimes I would throw random things in there like I was pregnant or that the house was on fire and I would get answers like "Oh, good, thats awesome" and "Alright sweetie"... it became a game and I would laugh to myself and throw in more extravagant emergencies lol. Good times.

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Ok that is absolutely disgusting and should be a deal breaker for anyone.. I don't know why you would even tolerate that for a day let alone the duration of a relationship.


My ex started going hot and cold on me, and every time I'd ask what was wrong she'd give that soft defensive "nothing".. Then she breaks up with me, obviously something was wrong.. Why couldn't she talk about it with me? I feel like many girls do this and I don't know how to circumvent it and get to the bottom of things. Communication is key to success, but if they refuse to communicate with us how can we be successful.. Otherwise, this was really the only thing about her that bothered me, which is why I miss her so freaking much now 3 months later and can't even really find much in the way of negatives.. I wish she would just text or call me.. At least give me my damn pajamas back!

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Its a "you should be able to read my mind" thing... and it's not only girls, though I feel it may be more prevalent in women. My ex when he broke up with me couldn't understand how I didn't know that showering him with love and support was smothering him. He failed to tell me... wanted me to read his mind. It's unfair.

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lol, he only started doing it recently, before he put them in the ash tray, but i tolerated that. Don't know why because while im reading and writing this im thinking to myself.....Why didnt you tell him to put them in the bin and what has he been doing with them the previous 6 years lol.

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My one girlfriend once said to me "A relationship is all about how much you can put up with the other person" lol although I don't believe that, all our ex's had things we didn't like but learned not to care about because we loved them.

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When I was younger and moved out of the house (close to age 19) my Mom bought me an oven mitt in the shape of an Oreo Cookie..


I loved that oven mitt.. it was my favorite and used it any time I cooked..




When my ex-wife and I divorced I was in my late 30's and one day when I was at work after we had already separated she came into my house and stole my Oreo Cookie oven mitt...

She never gave it back and it has pissed me off for over 10 years :laugh:

It pisses me off even more that she is using it today.. even after all these years and I'm happily remarried..


So.. a $2.00 oven mitt...:laugh:

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My one girlfriend once said to me "A relationship is all about how much you can put up with the other person" lol although I don't believe that, all our ex's had things we didn't like but learned not to care about because we loved them.


Ding ding ding we have a winner! Great post.

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Various ex's had the following:

tightwads, gullable, cheaters, beaters, elite-ist,

Dang I am not good at picking them eh?

Overall though whilst flaws were there I am sure the same can be said of some of my behaviors....I am not so pure to cast sorrow on their characters.

Live and learn.

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Oh my god that is gross. Haha Honestly very little bugged me. Maybe when he would watch TV and still give me answers but had no clue what I was asking lol. Sometimes I would throw random things in there like I was pregnant or that the house was on fire and I would get answers like "Oh, good, thats awesome" and "Alright sweetie"... it became a game and I would laugh to myself and throw in more extravagant emergencies lol. Good times.


Ohhh I dated a guy with the same attention span! Yes what fun it was to throw out random stuff . Too funny! Thanks for that memory!

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Things that annoyed me...

He was addicted to jerking off...literally he had to do it every night.

And he only ate cheeseburgers, pizza and chicken parm..no joke. He wasn't fat at all though...he drank tons of protein shakes and worked out everyday. So the only places we went out to eat were italian places even though I looooove sushi and seafood :p

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hahah nice thread, especially since one of the first things I did after breaking up is write one up myself and carry it around everywhere. When I would get those stabs of pain cause of missing him, I'd read that list and remind myself I really thought he was quite annoying most of the time (i't s very harsh, but that was needed :p):


his ridiculous urge to speak to his mammi EVERY day "' maamaa! Hallo!!" <---highpitched childish voice, his stupid body language whenever he'd hear a song on the radio, he'd look like a retard. His awful voice when he'd sing along with a song, his naked body (VERY white full with moles...) and his fat belly, his pathetic insecurity, his ugly, unsympathetic autist friends, there was hardly ANYTHING nice about this complete moron, who ALSO was a product of INBREDNESS. ABSOLUTELY disgusting. And this is the person I'm crying for






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Dang Anna I think you just turned me gay, can I get his number? :confused:


Is a pretty pasty white body with some moles a dealbreaker? Because I can't help it it's genetic :( I don't tan, I just burn.

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Things that annoyed me...

He was addicted to jerking off...literally he had to do it every night.

And he only ate cheeseburgers, pizza and chicken parm..no joke. He wasn't fat at all though...he drank tons of protein shakes and worked out everyday. So the only places we went out to eat were italian places even though I looooove sushi and seafood :p


I think the whole jerking off once a day is pretty normal. Most men I know do it more then that per day. Lots of women I know do it at least once a day as well.

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Dang Anna I think you just turned me gay, can I get his number? :confused:


Is a pretty pasty white body with some moles a dealbreaker? Because I can't help it it's genetic :( I don't tan, I just burn.



ohhhh no! It was only ugly on him :D and I needed to pick anything and twist it around so he would lose all attrativeness, might as well have been his toes...

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Haha good to know Anna :) I was mostly joking, I don't worry too much about women perceive my appearance, they can take it or leave it. I find girls to be probably a bit more forgiving in the looks department anyway as long as you are confident and have something interesting or funny to say. I feel pretty superficial sometimes.. A girl could love all the same bands, tv shows, movies and books as me and like playing video games and skateboarding and be ideal, but without that physical attraction I could never bring myself to view her as a love interest :( Besides I don't think I or most guys want a carbon copy of ourselves, I like girls with different interests and areas of expertise from myself because then I am exposed to new things outside of my sphere of influence.. Most importantly I like a LADY, it turns me off when girls talk about their feminine hygiene or use coarse language.. A girl at work that likes me told me she was on a colon cleanse the other day:sick: Did she really think that was going to turn me on?

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