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Made it to 1 week NC! and found out some things..


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Ok soo I made to 1 week NC! I am proud of myself cause I know how hard it is and how much I have tried before..next week is also 2 months since BU.


I found out my ex has profiles on different dating sites with pictures of him shirtless and flexing his muscles like a total dickhead. It really shocked me because the profile has been active since mid-october and...he broke up with me at the end of september saying he was sooo depressed, everything was pointless, he wasnt happy and needed to get on medication and other BULL****.


This is NOT how you deal with depression..this is NOT how you break up with someone by lying to them? It made me sick to my stomach and I was ill all day yesterday just throwng up at how disgusted I am. He's been talking to all these slutty girls telling them how gorgeous they are and how "he has a car, a job, and hes not an ********* ((according to his profile anyway)). I know it has been 2 months since the BU and he can do whatever he wants..but seriously?? WHY DO I GET THE SHORT END OF THE STICK?!


I have been crying for 2 months, hurting badly, dealing with my own feelings of depression and anxiety while still thinking of how much I care about him and if his "depression" was getting better..and this is what he has been doing? Living his life like this? And he ignored all my emails and text messages..but he replies to these girls who just messages him because he had a picture of his abs...REALLY?


UGHHH...he's such a horrible person and I am soo angry. Angry that hes obviously not hurting like he said he was and angry that he does whatever he pleases without thinking of the consequences of his actions and how much he hurts people like ..me :(

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Who says you got the short end?


From what you've discovered (and stop snooping, that isn't NC), he's a liar and was possibly about to cheat on you. Do you really want that?

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Well I am glad I found out because I was still thinking he had severe depression and ..he doesn't.


I hate that you always have straight to the point advice..but you are pretty much right :) My mom says it's a blessing that it didn't go on any longer and aren't I glad that I didn't spend 600 dollars to go see him for Christmas?


Yea probably..once the anger goes away I probably will be glad cause I can spend that money on me now.


I know that NC means nothing at all..but I didn't exactly "contact" him..and for me NC was mainly about me stopping all type of email/text/phone call contact. Still, whatever you saaaay...I am glad I found out now...and I see him for what he really is. I was just venting about how much it sucks when you are the dumpee and you are hurting while the other person happily walks away and moves on with their life like nothing happened. There is no way in hell I will contact him now..so it's good I guess..everything happens for a reason.

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Well, if the news doesn't set you back, then I guess no harm done. Personally, I don't want to know anything, I WISH to be indifferent.


I've never told my story on here, but I came from something that definitely left me a lot to be concerned about as far as her health and well being. But when it ended, it ended. We broke up November of last year and I've never spoken to her since. She HAD my concern and affection, she apparently didn't want either since she dumped me, so while she occupied my thoughts for some time, I left her be. It was never a "f*ck that b*tch, she gets what she gets" thing, merely a "handle your sh*t how you see fit" thing. My point is, they made their decision, and it's no longer our place to care or worry. I realize it can't be turned off just like that, you have to do it yourself. Yes, it's a long, sh*tty road, but any trip starts with the first step.


You can miss, and love, and care all you want, but the end result is the same. And now you, like me, can realize you're better off.

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Yes I agree..and I have never wished him wrong you know? I feel sorry for him and what he is doing..he doesn't know how to cope and he buries his feelings inside..I think that is why he is such an angry person on the inside..with a very very negative outlook on life. It's not my problem anymore...I just want to be happy again and move on...learn from this too. I realize now there were red flags all along that I did not want to see cause he was this way before me you know? Into girls just for sex, emailing dirty pictures, and getting on weird dating sites. He was different with me...more loving and caring... He would say things like "you are the first girl I am friends with before dating" or "you are the first one I ever wait this long (1 month is not even that long..) before having sex" (and pretty much we waited cause I pushed him to get tested for STDs cause I knew he was a slut and I didnt want to catch anything..so he ended up getting tested which I was thankful for and he came out clean.


But he really seemed different with me...even his friends would tell me "you have changed him, he is a better person because of you"..but nope...hes been himself all along.


Oh well..he is the one who rejected all I had to give for..nothing really. Merely empty relatonships based on sex and superficial crap.

Edited by sunflower11
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