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Dirty looks


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I've been single now for about 7 months and I adore it. There are no feelings of missing my ex or the relationship. I've used my time to become the person I've always wanted to be. I have and still am ironing out my many flaws but as I'm starting a new thread there must be a reason for me being down, so here goes.


Like I stated above, I'm enjoying single life but there is a snag. I am on the same course as my ex at university and it is a course intensive subject - 20 hours a week. The problem I have, is that, a large portion of people on my course refuse to speak to me and give me dirty looks - with these being good friends of my ex. Of course in any break up, sides are taken but they have even started to ignore my friend who has had done nothing. It's started to get worse, with it being spread to their friends so while I am at university I am getting more and more dirty looks - which is a horrible sensation. My days are lonely affairs at the moment. I enjoy them though, time alone should be treasured.


There are two sides to every story in life. I was not a gentleman in our relationship and I did many things wrong but I don't think I deserve this treatment. I feel like monster with the way they look at me. Despite this, I have no ill feelings towards my ex or any of them though. In some respects, I admire her friends for being loyal to her. There is no point hating any of them as there are far too many negative emotions in life as it is. Apart from my friend on the course, I have and will not sour her name to anyone. It's not my place to judge her actions, she did what she needed to do. It's between me and her, no-one else.


Occasionaly, when I am near my ex, I'll hear her say quite loudly how an attractive guy had come on to her the night before or she'll be all over a guy on my course. Of course, she is entitled to do what she wants and talk about whatever she wants as well and at first I took it as just normal behaviour until my friend pointed out that she says it louder when I'm near her.


I guess my point is, I just don't understand where is the need in any of this. Of course things will never be fine, I had an intimate year with her and being friends could never happen. I guess, all I want to know is where is the point? Can't she/they just let it go and just be civil with each other?


Most of the time I feel brilliant and this doesn't phase me but every so often it's a kick in the privates. It's not nice knowing that people hate you.





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Most of her friend on my course are male and the ones which are female are all in relationships. Also, I wouldn't want her to do it to me, so I wouldn't do it to her.





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