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Dumpers: why do they refuse to meet you face to face?


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There are several reasons why the dumper doesn't want to meet the dumpee in a face to face meeting:


*The dumpee tends to get all whiny and clingy and pathetic, which is annoying for the dumper


*The dumpee may make efforts to win the dumper back, and the dumper isn't interested and doesn't want to be pressured in that way


*The dumpee may try to make the dumper feel guilty for their decision to end the relationship, and the dumper has made their decision and can't be bothered with the guilt trip


*The dumpee may want to discuss the relationship and where it all went wrong - the dumper doesn't want to do that because they lost interest in the relationship a long time ago


*The dumper may not want to hurt the dumpee further by explaining their reasons for ending the relationship, and they feel that the dumpee would pressure them to explain

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I am just going by personal experience. Both times I was the dumper I did all the right things and was there for my ex's. I am on talking terms with both and they fully respect how I handled the situation. Both times I was the dumpee the opposite was done to me. My one ex gf came back a year later and apologized for everything........The verdict is still out on the current ex.

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