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Update after 2 months NC


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Well time really does fly doesn't it? It has been nearly two months since I told him I didn't want anything to do with him and I can honestly say I have been healing very well :) I have become more positive on my outlook in life and have found happiness within myself. He has tried to reach out to my twice already, but I have ignored his attempts despite the fact that I still love him very much. I feels good to be happy again, yea I do have my days where I do miss him but it isn't bringing me down anymore


To anyone hurting out there, I promise it does get better :) I hope you trust me when I say that

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Thats good to hear. I'm 2 months post break up too. Still have bad days, but all in all, I'm so much better. Time really is a great healer. Wish you further happy days!

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