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Need comments from those who have been through this....

smokey bear

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Can anyone give an explanation for the anxiety?



It seems a few people on here including myself experience anxiety, i remember someone posting about it a few weeks back but i can't find the thread.


Its like an anxiety that you feel they are going to call you or show up or something.


Im at the stage where im back to daily life and getting on but out of the blue i get this anxiety, almost like a gut instinct feeling.


If anyone has had it and figured out what it is i would appreciate your knowledge.

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I'm no expert, but I would assume the root of anxiety is fear. I can't give you any pointers, though. I went through it, too. I went to class fine one day, had plans to pick up some components for a project afterwards, and once I got in my truck, I lost it. Pit of your stomach, debilitating anxiety, I was halfway to Radio Shack and had to turn around and go home. Can't explain why, but it happened. All I can offer is that it does pass with time, though that's little comfort when you're going through it. :-/

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Yeah, I can understand this. I get it, rarely, but it's when I'm doing things where there is a chance I may hear from her, see her or any form of contact. Facebook is one, or when I receive a phone text late at night.


A few times, it has happened and it's been her - she's made contact so I guess my anxiety is grounded in past events, plus with mutual friends and work, there is always a good a chance contact will be made.


I think it's just part of the connection you still have to the ex though as I can honestly say I don't get these feelings from any previous ex's... simply due to the fact I no longer want them, or am in love with them.

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Actually, I get that too mike. In fact, I got that feeling a couple of weeks ago and at that moment, well, a few moments later, boom, there she was right in front of me. I was waiting to pull out of a driveway, and there she was just passing "slowly".. It was freaky. Then she apeared again another week later, same place, same time. Haven't seen hide nor hair for 5 months before this. But I tell myself every day that her and the kids are gone for ever. But still, I get this gut feeling that this isn't over yet. Don't know. All I know is, I want off this darn roller coaster.

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Mine dont link to anything like txts or anything. I can be driving a million miles from where he would be and i just feel it.


Some nights too its so strong i can't sleep, it is unexplainable

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I know exactly how you are feeling, it sort of is similar to the feeling I would get if I was excited for something but obviously I wasn't excited about this. I would have it on and off everyday and would especially get it every morning I woke up. It fades away through time but I still get it sometimes when I think of her. We have been broken up over 3 months now.

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Oww that's pretty normal. You once (or still) love(d) your ex and broke-up.

You broke an emotional connection and that leaves scars and a big trauma to process.

Since my ex has stopped contacting me, I have this strange feeling that he's all around me. Very weird.

It's like he's conditioned me to feel that way.

Or maybe he's linked with me through the subconscious. Don't know, i'm maybe paranoid ! :lmao:


Anyway, I hope time and finding things to occupy your mind will make this fear go away for some part.


But what I know for sure is that he'll contact me again.

It's in his nature to be that curious.

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There is medication you can get perscribed for anxiety. There are homeopathic ways to help control it such as:


Silicea (also called Silica)


St. Johns Wart


You can also do breathing and relaxation exercises. I usually do breathing myself... seems to help.

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I just wanted to get my good side... and the beautiful door. It's lovely don't you think? :)


... I had to google what photo bomb was.. haha I am old.

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I feel the anxiety just thinking about him and that I have lost him...and of course thinking about the future holidays and all the plans we had that now will never be. I do take homeopathic drops mornings and nights and they seem to be helping somewhat..that and time.

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Going to my first Yoga class tonight... I think that should help with anxiety as it teaches breathing techniques. Plus I'll get all stretched out and release some toxins.

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smokey bear,


I used to get this a fair amount. I'm in my last year of university and I'm on the same course as my ex. So when I first came back here after summer, every day I was nervous that I would see her and what would happen. It's just natural because there are so many questions rushing through your head on how you'll react to each other etc. It's much like waiting for an exam you're worried on what will be on there but once you get in the exam hall, the fear goes. This will go just keep strong and keep your head up!





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Thanks rory and everyone, i see my ex from week to week, i dont get nervous or butterflies or anything when i see him.


Someone else described it as an excitement at times (felt that twice) and yes that explains a bit of it. Mostly its just "uh oh somethings wrong" kind of feeling.


You can call me crazy but it feels more like..... i feel when the ex is down.


I dont know its hard to explain but really weird and unbearable at times.

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The anxiety comes because you want what you can't have. Looking for an impromptu phone call. We can't control how things pop into our minds, but we can control how we entertain them... shake it off and live in the moment. Certainly that will get you further through your day. And always, take it a day at a time. Your aniexty will calm down if you do.





Can anyone give an explanation for the anxiety?



It seems a few people on here including myself experience anxiety, i remember someone posting about it a few weeks back but i can't find the thread.


Its like an anxiety that you feel they are going to call you or show up or something.


Im at the stage where im back to daily life and getting on but out of the blue i get this anxiety, almost like a gut instinct feeling.


If anyone has had it and figured out what it is i would appreciate your knowledge.

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