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Motivation for tonight: from a coach


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Well for all of us that live in the states we all know tonight is the biggest party night of the year! So I wanted to give everyone a little motivation to get on out to the bars and enjoy life. Tonight could be the night everyone on here has been waiting for and that is to get revenge upon your ex. If he or she is going to be out, tonight would be the night.


This is your chance to show your ex you are happy, living your life and moving on without them. This is your chance to get that final face to face meetup you were never given. This is your chance to show your ex it was their loss for ever giving up on you.


The greatest revenge of all is happiness and tonight could be your chance. I will guarantee somebody on here will get this opportunity and I really hope you run with it tonight. This is your opportunity to take the power back and really make yourself feel good. Go out and dance with another girl/guy, hookup with them, do whatever.........Hopefully your selfish/heartless ex gets to see it and burns inside.


The worse thing an ex could see is you having a good time with someone else. Seeing another guy's arm around "their girl" or seeing "my man" holding another girl.......This will leave them in shock. All this time they thought they had control over us, they couldn't be replaced, we couldn't move on........This is your chance to prove it is all BS! Let them for one night realize what they are missing out on, let their night be ruined, let them go home and cry/contemplate/question their decision........Even if it was just for one night, no matter what they will never forget it. You are the one that is supposed to be down in the dumps, shock the hell out of them.


So when you see your ex tonight just give them one look with a smile/quick nod and don't look back. I will promise you they will continue to watch all your actions the rest of the night because they will be curious. Do not go to them and chat, do not look their way the rest of the night; if they come to you make the conversation short and don't bring up the past, always have a smile on that face, the smile they once fell in love with.



This is for all the lies, disrespect, excuses, breadcrumbs and selfishness these dumpers displayed during the breakup. For one night we have the chance to get our power back. For one night we can once again be the person they fell in love with. The best thing is, just maybe, you will find someone else tonight (the possible "one"). It all comes full circle tonight, karma is on our side.


Good luck everyone and please get out and enjoy the night!

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