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Friend or more?


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I'm pretty confused about how I feel about my friend at the moment. I've had plenty of close girl friends but this feels way different.


My friend is gorgeous, she looks 18 even though she's nearly 30 but she's not what I'd call my 'usual type'. We've only known each other for a few months but we're now best friends. We spend almost every spare minute we have with each other which isn't hard because we're neighbours too.


Even though there's not a massive physical attraction I’m attracted to her in every other way, both mentally & emotionally and she's really fun too.


I think I'm falling in love with this girl yet I don’t want to ruin our friendship because I’ve never clicked like this with anyone before (including all my ex's).


What should I do?

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Well that depends. Do you sense her feeling the exact same way about you? If not then it's better you take things slow with this one. Or better yet, try not to think about her that much in terms of love and sex because if you find out it's not what she wants (God forbid), you'll feel disappointed and then whatevers left of your feelings for her will become an obsession or even worse, feelings of grief, and that ain't healthy. Most times when you expect too much to happen, it usually doesn't, leaving you feeling disappointed as hell.


So just take things slow, let nature work things out. You said you really enjoy her as a friend right, as in a "human being" and not a walking vagina? So the fact that you're not having sex with her yet shouldn't bother you that much if that's not all you think about when you're around her, so just be patient.

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