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Broke NC


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Im in need of support. I was NC with my ex for 5 weeks. It wasn't a bad breakup but nither a good one. We dated for 2 years, one of them liveing together then stayed friends for one. I realized I loved her towards the end but she had moved on. She left to cali to start a new life and is in love and living with her ex fiancee.

We were best friends this entire time til the breakup. I tried my best to be NC. I sent her a text telling her I'm not doing NC for revenge or to get back at her. The night that we talked for the last time, she was was dozing off and I'm not sure if she heard everything I said.

She hasn't texted me back nor will she. I know that, but it doesn't lesson the pain. I keep hopeing that she will text me. I once again understand that she is out of my life and that hurts prolly moreso than when I first went NC.


I'm lost and need advice. What do I do? She also owes me $5000 for a car of mine she wrecked while drinking. She has had no job in the last 10 monthes but last I heard, had 2 jobs lined up in cali.

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All you can ever do following a break in NC is to learn from it. Remember how much it hurts and focus on it, so it makes you stronger. You already know this is well over, she's back with her ex (I know that feeling...) and you're not in her thoughts at all.


Go back to NC and whenever you feel the urge to break it, remember how much it hurts to do so. Also remember that nothing, not one thing, you find out or hear from her will ever, ever make you feel any better. The plain truth is, if the ex's wanted us back, they'd come to us.


Don't beat yourself up over breaking NC either - it happens. I do it in a mild way, such as hear things about her. Although I haven't made contact, I still feel set back. Sadly, other than locking myself in a box forever, I can't prevent these little set backs, so every now and then, I just accept there will be days when I feel terrible.


As for the owed money situation, you do need to sort that, but how about getting a third party to do it for you. A friend you trust maybe, just so they can make contact and keep you out of it.

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