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i feel i don't breethe


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Hallo, my bf and me had 2 weeks breakup and at this time we spend the night with anoter woman. He told me they have a kiss and not more so we become together and i accept it.


after 3 month i met the women and she told me that they had a sex but not intercourse. she told me that he came twice in this night. I asked him and he said it was not a sex.


i had accept it before i thaught nothing had happened , but now i realy feel sick, because he had a sex with somebody else. so it realy hearts , what can i do, we live together.


I feel so sick, i feel that i don't have antivalenz. i feel that i have to fly, to go away and i don't know what to do.


it is hard to live somebody to live whom you love.


i feel that i don't breethe, i have a very nice job, which i like but now i feel so uncomfortabel, even i don't feel to work. please somebody who had that give me the reciept, how can i be cured???

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This event occured during a break up and I assumed that during that time the two of you were free to see other people.


He is not accountable to you for what he did during that time. I seems like it was a pretty casual thing, meaningless to him.


He is also not responsibible for telling you what he did. He did not tell you the extent of anything that happened in order to spare your feelings...to keep you from feeling bad.


Instead of being angry and distrustful of him, I think you should have a higher regard for him for caring about your feelings.


If I was under the same identical circumstances, I would have told you the same thing. It serves no purpose to hurt the woman I love with details of something that will never happen again.


There is no way of knowing if the woman was telling the truth either. The fact that she said anything at all shows she is a low class, worthless piece of crap with no regard for your feelings whatsoever. I am surprised that you ran into her. I would not give someone like that a bit of credibility anyway.


Don't let this incident break up your relationship if you are otherwise happy with it. However, you need to work on all the issues that caused this break up and you need to find out why your boyfriend found it necessary to run out so quickly and find a piece of trash like the woman to fool around with. Ask him flat out.


You are the only one that has to become comfortable with these past events, forgive your guy and move on. You don't need to be getting any information on what he did when he was not with you unless you really enjoy feeling bad.

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