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Everything was ok...until


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Everything was ok with my day. Felt strong. Felt optimistic. Then the text came through. It was just a very brief message, well wishes for the holiday. This is day 5 n/c. I knew my challenge would always be the first contact from him. I was pretty sure I wouldn't initiate contact (pride, fear). My mood tanked and the tears came on. Every other time I started NC I caved when he called or text me. But I'm strong now. I am not replying. I could easily justify it in my mind- both yesterday and today there were small, administrative issues that as a courtesy I might give him a heads up about. There is no real harm if I don't. But they could easily be excuses to contact him.


Amazing the power of four little words in a text message.

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I'm in a very similar situation. It is day 4 NC for me, I also had an attempt of contact from my ex and I have pride not to contact her just like you do. I just pretend she doesn't exist in this world anymore, and the fact that she is far away helps me to think so. Keep strong and don't break NC, you will move on, I know it from my experience, I did it once last year.

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