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Things to be THANKFUL for


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With Thanksgiving coming up, I thought I'd share this list I found on BR from last year:


Be thankful that they didn’t show up. They’re teaching you who they really are and that’s not someone who deserves the time of day from you.


Be thankful they haven’t called you up since you started No Contact. You cut contact for a reason and even if they did call, it’s unlikely to cancel out the pain you’ve experienced or meet your expectations.


Be thankful they let you down – you can adjust your expectations of them now.


Be thankful they haven’t left their wife/husband/partner. If your relationship is based on lies and they’ve kept you waiting around while they make up their mind about what they’re doing, they’re doing you a favour. You just don’t realise it yet.


Be thankful that you set boundaries. They’re giving you self-respect and even though it may feel uncomfortable initially, especially when people who expect to get their way can’t and don’t, stick with it, because in the medium and long-term, you will reap the rewards by being in situations and around people that reflect a more positive you.


Be thankful that they ignored your call or email. You’ll thank yourself later for not being sucked back into the cycle all over again.


Be thankful that you’re single. Don’t treat it like that pain in the bum time between relationships. Enjoy it and discover and love you independently of a relationship so that you don’t shortchange yourself in the future.


Be thankful that they consistently show you who they are. It’s now your job to accept them and stop hoping that they’ll become the person you thought they were or live up to potential you’ve forseen in them.


Be thankful for the experiences - good, bad, or indifferent. Relationships serve to teach us about ourselves. There’s a lot of lessons in there and you’ll find they won’t repeat themselves if you pay attention!


Be thankful that you said NO. Even though it took you out of your comfort zone to not be so agreeable, recognise that saying YES would have had you busting your own boundaries, going against your own values, or just doing something that you don’t want to do.


Be thankful that you’ve learned to say NO and set limits. It opens you up to saying more genuine, positive YES’s. You are not a Yes Person. You’re Not a Doormat. It’s OK to say NO.


Be thankful for the bad times because they teach you to appreciate and recognise the good times.


Be thankful that they’ve moved on. Yeah it hurts but it’s the kick up the bum that says it’s time to shift up a gear and move on with your own life.


Be thankful you didn’t wait around. You’d still be waiting.


Be thankful for time. Even though we don’t know how much time we have left, the point is that we have it. Use it wisely. Value it.


Be thankful for all the people who are happy, loving, and trying in healthier relationships. If they can do it, you can too.


Be thankful they didn’t want you when they realised they couldn’t take advantage of you or abuse you. It’s not because you’re not good enough for them to change; they’re who they are.


Be thankful that you found out that they were not who they claimed to be or acted like they were. Whenever you found out and dealt with the consequences, at least you found out.


Be thankful that they embarrassed or humiliated you for the last time because it is the last time, isn’t it?


Be thankful that they didn’t value you because you get to learn and appreciate your own value.


Be thankful that they said they wanted to break up with you. Seriously. A lot of people don’t have the balls and decency to be honest and will stay with you while feeling half-hearted interest, enjoying the fringe benefits, and looking out for the next person. It hurts but you don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t value you and the relationship enough to want to put themselves in and work at it. I know it hurts but don’t sell yourself short by preferring to be in a relationship that’s struggling than none at all. Believe there is better for you.


Be thankful for the small, medium, and large things in life.


Be thankful that you have options even if you don’t always realise it.


Be thankful that sometimes people will tell you the truth even if you don’t want to hear it.


Be thankful that there are people around you, whether they’re family, friends, or colleagues, or a ‘special somebody’, that give a damn about you. Look up from your pain and remember them.


Be thankful for your health. If you’ve let it slide in the name of love, take care of it.

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